Finished , (Dec 2019 - May 2022)
Having suffered ruthless bullying for the better part of his life, 17-year-old Yu has become emotionally numb and dissociated from reality, no longer able to act like a normal human being. Although he possesses the exceptional talent to dodge punches, Yu prefers to let his perpetrators beat him down as he finds no meaning in his survival.\r\n\r\nThings begin to look up when Yu meets an old boxing trainer nicknamed 'K.' Having raised five champions, K\'s years of experience and an impressive gut feeling allow him to recognize Yu\'s near-superhuman fighting charisma immediately. K rushes to take Yu under his wing, despite the latter\'s apparent lack of interest.\r\n\r\nHowever, after being reminded of a bright memory from the past, Yu has a change of heart and accepts K\'s offer, hoping to experience the same light once again. Thus, Yu enters a world full of formidable adversaries—righteous and monstrous alike—and for the first time ever, he has no choice but to fight back.\r\n\r\n[Written by MAL Rewrite]
2 years agoAn Imperfect Masterpiece...\r\n\r\nIf I had to describe this manhwa in a sentence, I\'d say that its and 'IMPERFECT MASTERPIECE'. The webtoon explores thought provoking ideas about people\'s life, ambition, talent, hard work-I\'d say almost all ideas except those related to boxing. Not to belittle the art and story, both of them are simply amazing. What I\'ve love about this series is the beautiful character development and past of the characters that led to where they are in life. This alone makes it stand out from the rest of the sports, action manhwas. \r\n\r\nThe reason I state that it\'s an 'imperfect masterpiece', was simply because of\n ...\n the fast pacing of the chapters at the end. Like most successful series, their webtoon authors also have a deadline to submit their and work and end it accordingly. I felt the last chapters (of the spinoff-series) could be made into another new season. That\'s just how good it was. I myself finished the entire webtoon in one night. I think it you\'re still pondering weather or not should you give this series a go, I\'d say the answer is quite obvious.
2 years agoHonestly, I can see its appeal as a story. Having loved \'The Horizon\' by the same author I wanted to read his other works to get a feel for his stories further. I wish I hadn\'t. Ultimately \'The Boxer\' is another nihilistic tale that is rather glum and gloomy in its final acts. Having enjoyed the story highly throughout its initial chapters I was hoping for some sort of character development throughout but it never seemed to occur; I am sorely disappointed with how this manga ended up and hope that the author can really get a grip. Life isn\'t meaningless and pointless and it\n ...\n just seems a self-pity party of a cooped-up shut-in who has never experienced the wider world with its constant monotonous rant about the meaning of life. It gets tiring after a while.\r\n\r\nIf you want a good boxing manga, skip this one.
2 years agoThere is something about The Boxer that makes it truly fascinating. 'But what?' I sometimes ask myself. 'What makes it so fascinating?' The truth is, I\'m not too sure myself. It\'s hard to describe. I could write about the story or the characters or the fights, but they are only a fraction of what makes The Boxer so great. There are so many things I love about The Boxer. I love how the author gives the side characters so much depth. I love how the story is predictable yet exciting. I love how each fight tells a story. A story about hatred, a story about\n ...\n hope, a story about obsession. I love how the author can make me feel certain emotions so strongly. Most of all, I love the fact that this manhwa always remained true to itself. It never tried to become something different. This manhwa was about boxing, and it always stayed that way.\r\n\r\nThe Boxer was something I would often forget about. I\'d read a few chapters and then forget about it for a while. But every time I came back, it felt special. I felt so many different emotions while reading this. Sometimes it was exciting, sometimes it was depressing, and sometimes it was brutal. And yes, some chapters were boring and felt like fillers. But the Boxer never stopped being fascinating in its own unique way.\r\n\r\nYeah, it really is hard to describe. There are so many things I want to write about. But I have no idea how to write them. I think it is weird how much I think about The Boxer even though I finished it almost six months ago. That\'s why I\'m writing this review. Go on and read it for yourself. You\'ll understand.
2 years ago(Spoiler-free review)\r\n\r\nVerdict - The Boxer is a 10/10 Masterpiece.\r\n\r\nThe Boxer is a magnificent depiction of not just the art of boxing, but the human struggle. After reading his other masterpiece, The Horizon, I was heavily interested in how one would translate from a apocalyptic dystopian survival horror to a sports webtoon about boxing. Needless to say I was not disappointed.\r\n\r\nThe titular Yu is akin to One Punch Man\'s Saitama - extraordinarily overpowered. Many dream to be in his position, having the power to achieve greatness at the pinnacle of their craft. However, author Ji-Hoon delves deep into the human psyche, and shows the reader that\n ...\n a life without challenge is no life at all. While overwhelming power allows for complete and utter domination, it robs you of purpose and meaning - there is no victory without struggle. Rather than striving for the ultimate glory like the story of Hajime No Ippo, The Boxer strives to convey humankind\'s search for meaning, and the responsibilities associated with power.\r\n\r\nIt should be noted that The Boxer is a seinen sports manga, dealing with adult issues such as abuse, trauma, suicide, and murder. The little sparks of joy and intimacy in the webtoon are worth savouring, and I as the reader sympathised deeply with each and every character. Many of the villains have motive; they are not simple one-dimensional evils, but rather, have been warped by society into monsters, which feeds the cycle of revenge and hatred through the medium of boxing.\r\n\r\nMuch like The Horizon, The Boxer\'s art-style is absolutely stunning. Coloured panels encapsulate the horrific violence inside the ring, and elements of shounen hype when the reader is exposed to boxing techniques and power-ups are the icing on the cake.\r\n\r\nI would recommend this Webtoon to anyone with an appreciation for action and character development.
2 years agoJi-Hoon Jeong, also known as JH and famous for being one of the most thought-provoking Korean webtoon authors around, has graced us with his most ambitious—and easily the most accomplished work to date, finally expanding his range from imaginative but borderline surrealistic dystopian parables to a more grounded, lived-in narrative setting. It feels almost cozy in comparison but aims for the same heights when it comes to writing quality.\r\n\r\nThe Boxer tells the story of Yu, a silent, emotionless boxer whose intense mental trauma coming from a childhood of abuse has given him a savant-like ability to perceive time as if in a slow motion. Yu\n ...\n is trying to find the light that once spurred him to engage with the sport. Failing to find it, he is slowly consumed by the darkness as his coach is trying to shape him into an even more effective tool of destruction, devoid of weaknesses inherent to regular people. Who do you reckon will prevail in this bout?\r\n\r\nI\'ve encountered some dark sports-themed comics in my life, and this one sure pulls no punches in terms of the sheer depth and variety of upsetting aspects. People die and get hurt here in more ways than one, and easily triggered readers will find some of the scenes very disturbing. Besides, this is not really a story about boxing per se any more than, say, Taiyo Matsumoto\'s Ping Pong is a story about table tennis; the sport setting is merely a canvas to explore social concepts and character psychology. It is certainly not a realistic take on boxing, nor is it intended to be one. Much like in his previous works The Horizon and Mosquito Wars, JH has a lot to say on the topics of abuse, trauma, war, ambition, love, human condition, power balance, parenting, growing up, and the meaning of life—and many of his takes are as biting as ever, if not outright depressive at times. Furthermore, much of this is told visually, leading to all sorts of powerful imagery. It\'s a great read but not an easy one. Thankfully, those who didn\'t get to fully enjoy his other stories because of the rather heavy-handed didacticism will, perhaps, find this one a lot more palatable thanks to the more grounded setting, developed plot structure, and a surprisingly lovable cast of characters which help put the social commentary and exercises in ethics into a far more relatable context. And just like in his previous works, the takeaway is, ultimately, reassuring—though you may only be able to reach it after having suffered a heartbreak or two along the way.\r\n\r\nYu, the protagonist of the story, is by no means its hero. He is an empty husk, a vessel for his coach\'s ambition. A lost child who hasn\'t simply given up on the world—he doesn\'t even *know* the world to begin with, his mind all too haunted by his traumatic past. All the positive emotions and experiences we regular people have and take for granted in our daily lives are as good as alien concepts to him. In contrast, all the other boxers he encounters have unique, vibrant personalities that make Yu look even more like the unperson he is. But everything changes inside the ring. There, all these bright personalities with rich and interesting lives get to taste the same fear, despair, and helplessness as they realize their opponent might actually not be another human like them. Pity and compassion, pride and arrogance quickly give way to a single emotion: all-consuming terror. As he mechanically dismantles his opponents with surgical, lightning-fast strikes, and as he strips away their desires and dreams by crushing their will to fight back, Yu—and by extension, the audience—can\'t help pondering why people box in the first place. Unburdened by worldly affairs, he approaches boxing from a place of deep existential enquiry. Is hitting other people fun? Can problems actually be solved with violence? What drives people to persevere in the face of defeat... furthermore, in the face of imminent death? They will eventually die anyway, so what\'s THEIR reason to stand up to it? What is Yu, himself, trying to accomplish in the ring? Can anyone say something? This seemingly one-sided attempt at a genuine communication, a desperate plight for meaning, produces no satisfying response. But the author doesn\'t need to throw around vacuous statements and vain attempts at profundity when he can simply put the audience square in the characters\' head-space and give personal context to their actions—which is exactly what he does, to a wonderful effect.\r\n\r\nYu\'s journey is one of redemption: not of his sins but of his own tucked-away humanity. It is a search for vulnerability required to reach and heal a deep-seated trauma. It is a quest of discovering unconditional love that is the key to the joy of life. It\'s a beautiful, touching character arc, but certainly not the only one you\'ll grow to love when reading The Boxer. The other boxers\' bouts with Yu drive their own personal development, and even smaller characters get a surprising amount of depth in relatively little screen time in a testament to JH\'s efficiency in narrative delivery. After the main arc ends, the story loops around to the beginning to take a look at some of the other key characters introduced early on and recontextualize some of the themes and questions it raised, integrating a side-plot every bit as worthy as the main one into the complete package. The quirky, off-beat humor from Mosquito Wars also makes a return, and this time JH actually managed to avoid unwanted tonal whiplash. It serves as a welcome reprieve from the otherwise oppressively heavy atmosphere; a reprieve The Horizon sorely needed among all the doom and gloom, in my opinion.\r\n\r\nI think it\'s fair to say that The Boxer shows a delightful evolution of Ji-Hoon Jeong\'s writing, and it will rightfully take its place as one of the best 'non-sports' sports drama around. It\'s a wild emotional ride with not one but TWO immensely satisfying, cathartic endings—that\'s two more than what you get on average! Absolutely do yourself a favor and read it; it is available in English on Naver Webtoons\' website and app, and some of the pivotal chapters even have a very nice built-in soundtrack. I, for one, already cannot wait for the author\'s next work.
2 years agoOne of the best Manhwa I have seen in a while great main character and goes through a lot of development. His fist is as fast as a rocket and all his fights are super enjoyable. However, as I continued to read it, I somewhat lost the passion I had for this series. I don\'t know if the story got worst or I just changed but never less NO REGRETS reading this. I really enjoyed how they portrayed the protagonist as the antagonist and it really added depth to the series because you would end up rooting for his opponent
2 years agoReview contains spoilers including for the ending. Be warned.\r\n\r\nStory:\r\nThe arc-by-arc story for The Boxer is very high quality. After being introduced to Yu and see his start in the boxing world, he very much becomes a secondary character, almost a force of nature. The story instead gets told primarily from the perspective of his latest boxing opponent as we learn their past, why they got into the sport, how they became who they are today and what led them to stand in the ring opposite to Yu, before he inevitably creams them.\r\n\r\nThe overarching story with Yu deals heavily with abuse, depression, and a search for\n ...\n a meaning in life. This is where things can get a little off-putting, as the entire plot around Yu, K, and J is essentially a Christ (yes, as in Jesus Christ) allegory, with K being a stand-in for the devil and J being a stand-in for Jesus - as J sacrifices his life to save Yu. In and of itself this isn\'t an inherently bad thing, IP\'s like Narnia have told compelling stories with an overt-Christ allegory playing a central and prevalent role. The issue in The Boxer is that J is mostly missing from the story until the last 20% or so. Meaning they only reveal the religious overtones at the very end of the book. Additionally the author is no theologian and I don\'t get the sense they\'re deeply familiar with the philosophy they\'re discussing, resulting in the ending seeming very philosophically-hollow and taking an unexpected sharp turn.\r\n\r\nArt:\r\nThe art is fantastic. It can be bright and vibrant in one page and dark and depressing the next. Like many Korean Manwha the series is also full colour which I\'m sure many appreciate.\r\n\r\nCharacter:\r\nAs stated in the story section, The Boxer fairly quickly abandons Yu as the protagonist in favour of it\'s several side characters, all of whom have plenty of life and are all very enjoyable. The weakest character in the novel is definitely K. The reason for this is because K is a character inextricably linked to his philosophy of life, a sort of social-Darwinism, and the author doesn\'t have the background to make the character seem intelligent or reasonable/sympathetic and instead he simply comes off as desperate and unhinged.This could very well be intentional by the author, as K is portrayed as the antithesis of J (who again, is Jesus) and so he may intentionally be an un-reasonable character. But I think it would have made his point come across better if K (the Devil) was shown to be charismatic until J (Jesus) showed the error of his ways. When the audience can immediately identify the issues with K\'s reasoning then J\'s role in the story becomes much less important.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment:\r\nVery enjoyable overall, with the last 5 or so chapters being weak due to the aforementioned issues.\r\n\r\nOverall:\r\nOverall The Boxer is very good and definitely worth a read. I\'m not a religious person and the religious overtones at the end of the story really didn\'t bother me because the rest of the story was so well told. It\'s just a shame how the end of the story was implemented, as taking a more subtle approach or better execution in the same time-frame would have resulted in a better ending - and as many of us know the two most important parts of a series are the beginning and the ending, since they are what will draw you in and what leave a lasting impression respectively. Overall The Boxer is absolutely still worth a read, and still an incredible piece of art.\r\n\r\n9/10
3 years agoThis is my first time writing a review, so it might be a little congested and confusing to read. Hope I still get my point across tho :)\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nThe boxer is not really about boxing. Yes, there is lots of boxing involved, but it\'s primarily used as a vessel to carry the themes of the story, ideas like effort, talent, strength, weakness, and power. These themes are interlaced throughout the story, adding weight to the narrative, and asking thought-provoking questions about the very nature of our struggles and hardships.\r\n\r\nEach character\'s motivations are explored fully, they all have a reason for stepping into the ring, a backstory,\n ...\n a past, something that drives them forward. The characters aren\'t just treated as shallow obstacles, but rather developed, given meaning and purpose. In fact, the only character that doesn\'t get this treatment is the main character. The main character is a natural genius, almost undefeatable, but he has little motivation or drive to box. In fact, his entire personality is empty, like something deep-rooted inside him is missing. The story isn\'t about whether the main character can overcome his opponents, but rather his journey to find purpose and meaning in his life, crossing paths with many other boxers, and seeing their own reason for boxing.\r\n\r\nHowever, even with how blank the main character is, the story never gets boring. All the other characters are given love and attention, which makes it engaging and emotional to read. It\'s hard to describe this manhwa without spoiling anything, but its story is very unconventional, and even if you aren\'t a fan of sport comics, I think this one has a little bit of something for everyone
3 years agoI have never written a review because I usually find that other reviews would be more helpful than mine. However, I cannot stay quiet about this series. I have had many anime and manga that I have thoroughly enjoyed but very, very few have legitimately changed my life and touched me in the way that the Boxer has. \r\n\r\nIt transcends the sports genre and though it tackles themes in certain arcs that many sports manga/ manwha touch on (such as hard work vs. natural talent) those are not the themes of this manwha. This story is not about talented boxers beating each other half to\n ...\n death (though the fights are amazing). It\'s about life, what is the meaning of it, and if it matters after all. It\'s about following Yu, who is our extremely broken protagonist, as he endeavors to find meaning to his life and throughout the course of the story, seeing what gives others meaning in life.\r\n\r\nI don\'t think anything I have read has managed to make me as hype over a fight, as attached to the characters, or made my philosophize as much as this story. There are parts that are hilarious and parts that have moved me to tears. It honestly checks all the boxes. I never had one chapter where I wasn\'t invested and it constantly left me scrambling for the next one.\r\n\r\nBut the best thing about the series, for me, is how I felt after reading the story in its entirety. After reading this, it has inspired me to live my life differently and see the world in a more nuanced way. I was moved to tears and I walked away from the Boxer feeling like I was a better person for having read it. This all comes from the author masterfully weaving together scenes so that every arc matters and all of it builds to a satisfying conclusion.\r\n\r\nUltimately, I think that every person should read the Boxer. You might not be as touched as I was considering that we all come from different backgrounds and experiences. But even if the themes don\'t touch you, the character dynamics and the stellar plot will. I can honestly see no flaws with the Boxer. It\'s a masterpiece and I hope this will be the push to get more people to read it so that, hopefully, one of you will get even a tenth of my enjoyment while I read this.
3 years agoso this is my first review, i chose the boxer to be my first because it has just ended on webtoon for people without fast pass, or at least the main story ended\r\n\r\n\r\nart 9/10\r\ni really like the art, its simplistic for the most part, but when jh wants to have a really well drawn scene they make a really well drawn seen its stunning \r\n\r\nstory 8/10\r\nthe main story is pretty simple, yu gets picked on bullied then one day injae one of our characters stands up for him, gets his shit rocked then Yu does the same to the people who beat up Injae, then\n ...\n becomes an unbeatable boxer\r\n\r\ncharacters 10/10\r\nthe characters is where the manga really shines, Yu who starts out as a character without real emotions slowly becomes more emotional with every match he has. and the side characters are all really well done, the best character being mohawk for obvious reasons.\r\n\r\nenjoyment 10/10\r\ni really enjoyed this series from start to finish, it started pretty basic then turned into an amazing character drama that i really loved\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nconclusion\r\nso basically i love the boxer, its an amazing story that had me on the edge of my seat for the last chapters with J. (jesus basically) and i really do recommend this to anyone who likes fighting manwha/manga.\r\nanyways this review probably sucked im not very good at this lol. and yeah i\'ll probably stick around for the spin off series JH is doing

3 years agoThis is the type of comic that I just stumbled upon, I hadnt read reviews or anything and didnt know what to expect. I enjoy spokons a lot so I figured it was worth a try, then it so happened that ive been reading it weekly since the tenish chapter.\r\nThe story is more than fine, it has its cliches and some predictability, but serves its purpose to convey a feeling and and showing the story, hardships and growth of the protagonist Yu.\r\n\r\nThe art is very good, it uses common angles and the action is easibly understandble. The best thing regarding art about this webtoon is\n ...\n those few moments when it depicts the monster side of Yu and the scenery.\r\n\r\nThe thing that i enjoyed the most and im not sure if ill be able to express how good it is are the characters and the development of the fights. From the very beginning each and everyone of Yu\'s opponents have been great. There have been conflicts where you respect the opposing fighters, others have been seen as despicable and you come to hate them, some of them were so charismatic and likeable that you could be cheering for them.\r\nIn a separate paragraph i have to talk about Yu and K and their relationship, and after finishing the work, i do believe that it was well executed, although k is not as interesting as one would expect him to be. And his reasoning could seem as somewhat lacking, but all his actions are justified from his point of view which is more than enough. Finally, the journey Yu has gone through is incredible, without spoiling the ending i think that im satisfied with how every conflict has been resolved.\r\nAs a summary i would recommend this work to anyone, sometimes it might fall on the being edgy cliche but it is not enough to pass on this great work.
3 years agoMan, this was just terrific. I am simply speechless by how good this was. It made me feel excited, sad, scared, happy, intrigued, and utterly entranced. I was glued to this story from the beginning to the end. It was not preachy, nor lacking in any manner. It was just sublime, focusing on the essence of boxing, building up the side characters, and laying out its narrative. It never dragged on one bit for too long, instead giving each arc its deserved attention. I genuinely enjoyed this Webtoon so much! I usually am geared toward the thriller genre, but this Webtoon exceeded all my expectations\n ...\n in general. This was incredible, and I may be biased from writing this review right after finishing Chapter 103, but these are my raw feelings. This was a fun ride, and I hope to reread this amazing work in the future again. \r\n--------------------------\r\nUpdate - Finished Chapter 123 \r\n\r\nSame feelings as my preliminary review above. The ending of chapter 123 though was...utterly powerful and devastating to witness. I experienced profound sadness knowing that such a great work came to an end, but it was a triumphant ending that honored all characters with grace and respect. Respect to the author and illustrator for this work, and I eagerly wait to see what brilliant things they do next in this world.
3 years agoUntil i read the last couple chapters (Light 1-3), I\'d say this was sitting around a solid 8. But trust me, this story gets hella good near the end not that it was good from the beginning anyway. Anyways:\r\n\r\nStory (7/10)\r\nA pretty simple story of different people and their stories as they learn from their battles and defeats of Yu. It doesn\'t feel rushed, it\'s not a masterpiece of writing but is still a simple one that makes it work. \r\n\r\nArt (8/10)\r\nSimple, clean, gets emotions across very well. I\'m a guy that likes a lot of detail in art, so I favor manga style of art\n ...\n rather than webtoons, but the art in this is still fantastic.\r\n\r\nCharacter(10/10)\r\nEvery secondary character has a story. There are no villains, but more like people with different pasts. We get to understand and learn each character\'s story. The author does an incredible job with this, and really tugs at your emotional side. the best character building in any webtoon, and I\'d say it\'s one of the best character writing I\'ve ever read. Each character is memorable and unique. \r\n\r\nEnjoyment (10/10)\r\nI obviously still support Yu, no matter how fucked up he is, and how fucked up his coach is. His fights are always satisfying, and the art makes him seem like this monster, which is very fun to watch.\r\n\r\nOverall (9/10)\r\nGreat manhwa, worth your read. i can\'t really describe why it\'s so good but trust me it\'s worth it.
3 years agoShould I Read This Story ?\r\n\r\nYes!\r\n\r\nWhy?\r\n\r\nCuz it\'s a masterpiece, not only as a sports story, but as a story in general.\r\n\r\nWhy is it a masterpiece?\r\n\r\n ...\n Welp....many reasons actually, i would like to write about it for hours but i think by the time you read what i wrote, you could have already been at chapter 10 and by then the story would take you by your throat and never let you till the story is finished.\r\n\r\n\r\nJust know this. Halfway through this journey, you will not have any idea how it will end, who the protagonist even is, who the antagonist even is. You will find yourself exposed to one of the coolest and most inspiring characters ever. You will find your self inspired not only by the GREATNESS of SPORTS but many real life things, things that actually matter, small things that can make a big difference.\r\n\r\nThis is a story about hardships, life & death situations, anxiety, hate, despair, miisery, lonelyness, friendship,family, friends, true heros, real life values, finding your true self, finding your purpose, finding or being found by that one person that can turn YOUR WHOLE WORLD upside down, it is a story about lending a hand when someone is down, helping that someone in whatever way you can because even if that small help or words of courage seem miniscule to you, maybe, just maybe...it can mean a world to them.\r\n\r\nThank you, JH.
3 years agoBeautiful, im fan of this serie for over a year and i reccomend it a 100% except if you are sentimental over some topics, might not be the best for u to see it, anyways lets summary: 'You\'ve got the raw talent. Or you\'re the underdog. But do you have the heart? Do you have what it takes? Let\'s see what you\'re made of! The real fight starts now!' Yu is our Mc that seems pretty bland if you didnt read fewer more chapters, but you discover his backstory little by little (if you want to see it go to chap 97-98) LITTLE SPOILERS HERE\n ...\n AND ON!!!!, the side characters do the job well, it might be a little repetitive for people that enjoy side characters because spoiler, they always loose with our mc.\r\nLets make a little emphasis in the story, is one of the bad stuff in here, i dont mean its bad, its just common, how they managed to make it work so well even with some comedy parts here and there that you forget is some easy story to undestand, mc is strong, nobody can stop him, thats basically it.\r\nArt, a very good point here, if they make a live action it would never compare to the original piece, its just, very good job from the author, if you want to know more examples just search 'The boxer webtoon fights' on google.\r\nCharacter, theres VERY NICE character development here, you might find K like a bastard but then we get his backstory and he seems more human, hes still a bastard tho, Yu slowly looses his sanity for K ambission, but that only makes better the serie (mohawk supremacy btw reference to the mohawk guy hes cool).\r\nOverall is a very good show, must give a try, made me spend money on it, i must say it wasnt in vain, i must give a 10/10
3 years agoI honestly don\'t understand why this manhwa lost popularity. It\'s my favorite ongoing series, it\'s unique, making the reader have conflicted feelings throughout every match about who they should root for and it\'s not predictable. It\'s not the story about the strongest main character, his teacher and the lowkey villains leading to the big bad guy at the end. There is a balance between the lighthearted moments and the heavy, dark moments which doesn’t take away from the fun of reading, it doesn’t feel like it’s just for filling because it actually isn’t. An unfair situation affecting the protagonist isn\'t resolved in the very next\n ...\n chapter, the author is actually trying to give the story a natural flow which I adore and respect. I look forward to the last episodes!
3 years agoThe Boxer webtoon is both dark and wholesome at the same time. For a series to combine two polar opposite elements is rare, but this webtoon does it to a degree to which it can be called genius.\r\n\r\nSports, comedy, action, slice of life-\r\nStory(8/10)\r\nCharacters(9/10)(Personally, this is the highlight)\r\n\r\n\r\n\'The dead are happier than the living...but the happiest are the ones who haven\'t been born.\'-This is the attitude of the Mc(Yu) of this webtoon...He lacks any kind of personality, feels no emotions and basically has no faith in life. Despite this, you cant help but root for him and hope that he too can have a normal\n ...\n happy life... His situation isn\'t relatable at all, but everyone of us has had the same thoughts as Yu at some point in our lives.\r\n\r\nAll the characters are extremely well written and often relatable to an extent... The development is real and just doesnt happen in a matter of few panels...The author takes time to go into details of each and every character- Their pasts, their hardships, their sacrifices, their efforts... this will force you to feel stuff.\r\n\r\nThis webtoon is absolutely ruthless in the sense that it speaks about the harsh realities of life and sticks to realistic narration...there are no miracles or superpowers... This isn\'t a fairytale in the least... It has a deep meaning... but at least there are happy endings?...this makes it somewhat wholesome.\r\n\r\nAlthough it speaks about hardships and struggles in life i wouldnt call it just dark themed... Don\'t think too much... This is a unique read that is capable of indulging u on multiple fronts and genres making it very enjoyable...Just give it a try.
3 years agolook at me here after all this time doing a review! Anyway, I want to talk about this work that I thought was incredibly good! \r\n\r\nThe Boxer is now my top 1 sports manhwa. He is good in many aspects. Development, story, characters, etc. It is a manhwa that gives you a very, very strong message of what life is like and how it works. And I think this is very good to do, showing the reality, how every single thing in this world is very difficult. \r\n\r\nI love how each story has its own way of being told. Even the least interesting of the\n ...\n characters becomes interesting, he may be a secondary character, but still, he can steal the scene and leave you slack-jawed. \r\n\r\nThe more you find out about the story and the further you go, everything that seemed insignificant or without understanding at first, makes it seem like something so meaningful and well explained to have the best understanding of what you thought was strange at first. \r\n\r\nUltimately, this work took me by surprise, passing on a very strong message to the reader. A shame that it is currently on hiatus, but as I always say. I look forward to the chapters!
3 years agoI want to mention that this is my first review, so ignore the eventual mistakes, this review doesnt contain spoilers, so read freely.\r\n\r\nThe boxer is a sport manwha that really kept me intrigued along the story, its made by the same author as The Horizon, so it has some dark and life questioning things.\r\n\r\nStory: 8/10\r\nThe story is something quite simple at the beginning, its about a boy named Yu, which is getting bullied at school, but he doesnt really care about it.\r\nOne day, he meets a coach which is interested about him, about his senses and his talent.Yu decides to learn how to box, and\n ...\n he soon arrives in the boxing world where he meets new challenges to pass.\r\nI can say that the story is simple as a first view, but as the chapters appears, the story gets more and more interesting.\r\n\r\nCharacter: 9.5/10\r\nI thought a lot about this story, and i think the strongest aspect about it its his characters, and not just the main characters, even the side characters are interesting enough to hype them.\r\nThe main character is really cold, and doesnt show any emotions, its a good character, but he is not as important as some other characters which you will discover while reading.\r\nAnother important character is his coach,he\'s a strategic and very smart guy, who has some purposes.\r\nSome characters that are interesting too are his friends, and his enemies, every enemy of his has a backstory, which is very helpful to understand every character.\r\n\r\nArt: 8.5/10\r\nThe art seems very simple, but as you read more and more you will discover some panels that are very badass and original.The artstyle is very similar to the art of The Horizon, because its made by the same author, so if you enjoyed The Horizon, you will really taste The Boxer\'s art.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment: 9/10\r\nI started The Boxer like 6 months ago, and i read 30 chapters, and i kinda dropped because i forgot about it.But 1 month ago i saw some MMVS with The Boxer and it really got me hyped, and i decided to start reading it again,i dont regret that i started to read it again, and if you dropped it, give it another chance and finish it.\r\n\r\nOverall The Boxer for me its a very good story, where you can have fun, and also feel different emotions, if you watched Baki or read Weak Hero, i think you will like this type of story, so yeah, the boxer right now for me its a 9/10, i want to say sorry again for eventual mistakes, im not that good at english,but i really wanted to write about this story, it really deserves appreciation.
3 years agoThis is my first time writing review.\r\n\r\nThe boxer is manhwa that has the same creator as The horizon. At first i just thought that this is just regular sport manhwa but more than that The Boxer has an amazing character that really amaze me and exceeded my expectations.\r\n\r\nStory: 7/10\r\nThe story is about Yu the boy who is getting bullied by other strong people in school and put no resistance. One day he punch the bullies while being watched by one of the greatest boxing coach in the world and got scouted to be pro boxer.\r\n\r\nCharacter: 9/10\r\nI feel the strongest aspect of this manhwa is the\n ...\n characters. Yu doesnt show any emotions but as the story progress he grow more emotion from meeting with other people. And in this series every characters has a good backstory that make the readers really understand the character and their motive to do something be it good or bad.\r\n\r\nArt: 8/10\r\nThe art in this manhwa is just simple and not outstanding like others manhwa. But even thought its just simple its has a lot of foreshadowing and portray the characters feeling and expression really well\r\n\r\nOverall The boxer is really good read and i reccomend it to everyone who wants to read a unusual sports manhwa with a bit heavy themes. I give it 8.5/10