Privacy Policy

Last updated 2nd December of 2023

We only collect the data that we need, and try to share as little as possible. We don't sell your data, and we avoid services that track you to sell ads. That's the goal we set ourselves, and we plan to stick to it.

Collected data

We only collect information from you during the registration process: your username and email address.

Account deletion

You can delete your account at any time. When you delete your account, we delete all data associated with it, including your email address and username. To delete your account, go to your profile page and click on the "Delete account" button.

Third parties

We use third party services to help us run the service. Here's a list of the third parties we use, and what data we share with them.

  • Amazon web services: this is our email provider, and we have to give them your email address to be able to send emails to you (currently only during the registration process)
  • Axiom: this is our issue tracker, and we have to give them your username to be able to tell who experienced a bug or issue in the app.

We might update this privacy policy at some point, but you will be warned in case of any major changes.

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