Publishing , (Apr 2021 - Present)
After being aggressively rejected, Momo Ayase finds herself sulking when she stumbles across a boy being bullied. Saved by her rash kindness, the occult-obsessed boy attempts to speak to her about supernatural interests he believes they share. Rejecting his claims, Ayase proclaimed that she instead is a believer in ghosts, starting an argument between the two over which is real. In a bet to determine who is correct, the two decide to separately visit locations associated with both the occult and the supernatural—Ayase visiting the former and the boy visiting the latter. When the two reach their respective places, it turns out that neither was wrong and that both the occult and ghosts do exist. This marks the beginning of Ayase and the boy's adventure, as they attempt to fix the surreal, supernatural, and occult elements around them to return to a normal life. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
2 years agoOkay, I think we all know that by like 2025 at least, this is gonna become the next big shonen so don\'t be surprised by the time that happens. However, while I hate to disappoint, it isn\'t gonna live up to the expectations of it\'s main source of inspiration (Chainsaw Man).\r\n\r\nWhile the art is fantastic and near the peak of it\'s genre, the writing does not make up for it. It draws a lot from CSM as seemingly insane things happen, but it lacks the meaning and depth of it\'s predecessor. Maybe it is due to lack of experience, but those insane moments don\'t come\n ...\n for any 'natural reason' compared to CSM (which some people even complained that happened in CSM but I disagree); they just happen. And while during the first chapter I found this exciting and a great hook, by Chapter 50 I was really tired of it. \r\n\r\nThe main reason why I believe this happens is due to a lack of real worldbuilding. It may seem as if Dandadan has good worldbuilding on paper as it talks about yokai and aliens, but unlike CSM it doesn\'t feel like that information is important. In fact, it rarely plays any point in the plot other than just giving an excuse for a fight to immediately happen or to solve the conflict at that very second. There isn\'t any setup for something greater and for a long running series, you need that to keep the reader engaged. \r\n\r\nWhat I will give Dandadan is that it\'s main cast is really likable. The two main characters, Takakura and Ayase, are relatable in the best ways and play off each other naturally. Maybe not in the depth that Dandadan\'s contemporaries do but in the 'Will-they-Won\'t-they' type of way. And the side characters also have some mix of traits that make them feel more fun and real than lets say your typical Black Clover character. The best part about all of these characters is the way they talk around one another. Instead of acting stiff and lifeless (the 'we are such great friends' without really showing they are great friends in dialogue), they talk like how modern real people would. \r\n\r\nThe worst aspect about it though is the villains as they again fall victim to the lack of buildup issue. I do appreciate that the author isn\'t falling victim to the 'make a team of bad guys' trope like the Akatsuki or whatever, but his alternative of making no real recurring individual villain or threat makes things a lot less interesting. Instead you are met with a boring alien or yokai who either (a) ties into the theme the author is trying to tell with the side character or (b) is some nameless villain to just overcome. One of these options is certainly better than the other but neither are really too appealing. \r\n\r\nTo wrap this up, Dandadan is a good series. Not a great series, not an awful series, not a boring series, but just a solid, fine series. It is visually impressive, it has some funny moments, but it won\'t blow your socks off story wise. Like the equivalent to a cheese pizza.

2 years agoAfter having read all of the manga that’s out now (89 chapters) I can definitely say that this shounen is extremely average LOL.\r\n\r\nThe artwork is amazing, very charming character design and sometimes entertaining interactions. The absurdity is also fun sometimes. I think that’s all the praise I have for it.\r\n\r\nMy main issues with the work revolve around how the female characters all fall so flat. I know that shounen is not a genre known for writing great female characters, like I’m not going into this expecting anything out of them let’s be real. But when so many of the main/reoccurring characters are girls, their poor\n ...\n characterization really shows. One of my least favorite tropes is also women being threatened with sexual violence only to be saved by a man, and this manga has that happen multiple times. It’s fucking weird.\r\n\r\nI think fans of the manga really enjoy the art, how crazy everything is, and the MoTW kinda story, but I don’t feel anything while reading it. I’m keeping up with it solely out of the hopes I will see what everyone else sees, but I’m 80 chapters in and there’s nothing there. There’s definitely some aspects of this work that are enjoyable, but nothing that would make me sing its praises or recommend it to a friend. Something can be silly, absurd, and completely detached from reality while still having character depth and a great storyline. This work is lacking in the latter.
2 years agoA hilarious and yet somehow touching, and also really well drawn manga. This one has a bit of everything.\r\nThe story has a fascinating twist that connects the two different types of enemies in an interesting way and almost makes you think of some bad guys as heroes in a weird kind of way.\r\n\r\nI also really connected with the main character and could see that many people who may read this might as well. Each character seems to start off as a very by the books stereotype of manga character archetypes, but they quickly grow and almost all become very intriguing and deep characters.
2 years agoDandadan\'s opening chapters slap you in the face with the equivalent weird energy of an inflated surgical glove filled with bologna. It is all at once filled with breakneck action, horrific imagery, hilarious gags, tantalizing romance, and cozy slice of life. If this review can tell you anything, it is to stop reading this review and start reading Dandadan.\r\n\r\nArt: Chef\'s kiss 11/10\r\n\r\nThe absolute best part of this series has to be Tatsu-sensei\'s art, which is just oozing with style and terror. Highly detailed backgrounds lead into dripped out characters lead to nightmare inducing monsters and he almost never misses a beat. It\'s almost concerning that\n ...\n this is a weekly series, because I don\'t see how someone could draw this much detail and still be sleeping a healthy amount. \r\n\r\nCharacters: 9/10\r\n\r\nSo far we have essentially 6 main-ish characters, and all of them, I believe, are quite well written and entertaining. We still haven\'t delved too deeply into the backgrounds of every character, but from what we have seen so far, there is enough visible to find something to cherish about each one of them. Some people may find the love-polygon to be a bit unnecessary, and I can understand that. \r\n\r\nStory: 8/10\r\n\r\nThere hasn\'t been a bad arc yet in this series short run, and a few of these arcs have been truly fantastic. So far the stories have been somewhat episodic, with each arc basically centering around a case that needs to be solved or a monster that needs to be punched. The only negative comment I really have to say about this series so far is in regards to its story though. Through 63 chapters, there isn\'t really any sort of end goal or main direction that the story is going in. There is one dangling plot thread that has existed since the first arc, but it doesn\'t really feel like something that will linger much longer. This may not end up being an issue, but it would be nice to know what the end game is the next couple volumes.\r\n\r\nOverall, this manga is one of the most creative and engaging stories you\'ll likely ever read. If you have 10 minutes, go read the first chapter for free on Jump+. Even if it isn\'t for you, you certainly won\'t be bored.

3 years agoDandadan is probably the manga that has intrigued me the most over the last months. Ever since the first chapter that so harrowingly introduced me to the occult and supernatural elements of this world, I\'ve been intrigued to see how far Yukinobu Tatsu can reach in this in relation to creativity. And I\'ll say, I am not disappointed in the slightest.\r\n\r\nStory 8/10\r\n\r\nThe story so far had a bit of a rough start after the first few chapters, as it flung itself between interactions like a very rapid succession of mini-arcs. Naturally, these were to establish the world, but the pacing made me feel a bit\n ...\n flustered at times while reading week-by-week. As we\'ve approached and broken the 50 chapter mark, the story has taken a more solid form, with the latest arc being a genuinely exciting and action-packed arc that I thoroughly enjoyed. Despite that, I cannot give the story more than an 8 because of the somewhat stressful pacing it had in it\'s earlier chapters.\r\n\r\nArt 9.5/10\r\n\r\nThe art in Dandadan is outstanding. The art-style is consistent and the panelling is fantastic in guiding your eyes and keeping interest, without wasting time on. It is very effective, yet doesn\'t spare expense in displaying what\'s happening in full effect. The manga has a few rare massive 2-page spreads that allows the mangaka to truly flex his artistic skills. Character expressions are fantastic and the action scenes are exciting to witness. The supernatural entities are also both horrifying and interesting to look at, with designs that vary extremely, as well as their origins.\r\n\r\nCharacters 10/10\r\n\r\nThis is where I feel that the manga shines the most, in it\'s characters. Our main characters Okarun (Ken) and Momo Ayase start off at totally opposite sets of the spectrum. The former\'s displayed as your usual scrawny, nerdy kid, whereas the latter\'s the more cool, gyaru-style kinda girl. Dandadan quickly diverts from tropes though, as we learn that there\'s more to these characters than the preconceived notions of their design. Over the manga\'s current run, their chemistry is fantastic, as Okarun has the guts to retaliate against Momo\'s more abrasive attitude, and Momo reciprocates Okarun\'s gentle nature. The side characters are also very enjoyable and have great chemistry with the main cast, but as to avoid spoilers, I will not divulge in them further.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment 9/10\r\n\r\nOverall, I enjoy the manga a lot. It manages to thread through multiple genres very effectively, as it can go from a silly slice-of-life style comedy to a terrifying horror manga at a moment\'s notice thanks to it\'s occult persuasion. It then intermingles this with astounding action set-pieces as well as some very neatly sprinkled romance that pops up from time to time, making sure we don\'t forget that the undertone exists.\r\n\r\nOverall 9/10\r\n\r\nIn conclusion, I deeply suggest you to read Dandadan, or at least give the first chapter a chance. It\'s an incredibly enjoyable and smoothly fluctuating read, that has some trouble finding it\'s identity, but has at this point started solidifying itself onto a solid path. I can only see it going upward from here, as the characters grow and more of the world is divulged to us readers.\r\n\r\nNot to cry wolf, but I can feel the anime adaption just waiting to happen once there\'s enough content for one.\r\n\r\nThe entire thing is available to read on MangaPlus, for free! It\'s frankly unbelievable for the quality of this manga\r\n\r\nTl;dr\r\nI have a feeling this is potentially of the next big shonens. Probably not in the big three for the foreseeable future, but it\'s no slouch either
3 years agoI really don\'t even know what or how to start with this one. \r\n\r\nDandadan is probably one of the weirdest yet fascinating Manga\'s I have ever read. Hands down. It just get weirder the more you read and delve into but weird in a good way. The plot is dope, the art style is fantastic and the characters are very interesting.\r\n\r\nThe manga\'s humor is great too. Sometimes I found it hard to take how serious losing one\'s balls is when they call it his golden ball. However, I do think that\'s the kind of humor the author was going for. \r\n\r\nOverall, please give this one\n ...\n a read because you might just find yourself loving it. Definitely a diamond in the rough.
3 years agoDandadan is a very wild story with aliens and yokai combined in one tale. The concept is unique and I recommend it, just be prepared for the usage of somewhat dirty jokes (like Okarun -male lead- losing his own 'schlong').\r\n\r\n~Story\r\nThe story sets out with Ayase Momo finding Okarun getting bullied for being a nerd invested in occult related topics and such. Well, long story short, she basically saves him from that, Okarun opens up to her cause he\'s got no friends and they have an argument whether aliens and yokai are real or not. So then they decide to challenge each other and Ayase almost\n ...\n ends up being abducted by aliens while Okarun getting possessed by turbo granny.\r\n\r\nHonestly thought it was going to be some crappy generic plot again, but jokes on you, they made grannies badass. \r\n\r\n\r\n~Characters\r\nWell they\'re not to shabby. Ayase and Okarun\'s relationship is pretty fun to see. \r\n\r\nAyase is a huge fan of this guy Ken Takakura and is constantly trying to find a boyfriend with the same muscle ton as him, but instead finds wimpy Okarun, whose real name is also Ken Takakura. And every time someone says 'Ken Takakura' or any of his famous lines, she basically goes on a fan-girl-freak-out (perhaps it\'s used as a character quirk to lighten up the series -not like it\'s actually dark horror type like Another). Also, her supernatural abilities which she didn\'t have at first, awaken during the first chapter, just so you know. \r\n\r\nApart from that, we have shy boy no friends but is in development, Okarun, but turns out depressed and pessimistic, woe is me character when the curse of turbo granny is released within him.\r\n\r\nNext is granny Dodoria, has supernatural abilities and pretty thicc even if she\'s the actual grandmother of Ayase.\r\nManeki Neko Turbo Granny (is cute).\r\nFollowed by popular and egoistic (and annoying) Aira who later in the series gains supernatural abilities similar to Okarun\'s situation, but through a 'tragic happening'.\r\nAnd last but not the least, the most obnoxious one of them all: Jiji. Ayase Momo\'s childhood friend and first love. I seriously dislike him with his optimistic sunny airhead character (80% of the time, I\'m okay with that, but he\'s just over the top) (edit: this guy earned my respect later on)\r\n\r\n\r\n~Art\r\nThe art here is gold. The simple faces and extreme monsters, it is amazing. Now, there\'s a little bit of panty shots and naked characters in a few chapters, but not to worry! It\'s not ecchi. All these are relevant to the story. You know, an action scene wherein the female battles a supernatural her skirt lifts... but Ey, that\'s not- We must look at the subject, which is the monster. (Seriously tho, unlike other manga, underwear and boobs don\'t get shoved in your face when you read Dandadan)\r\n\r\n\r\n~Enjoyment\r\n10/10. Although for some, the story may seem in all sorts of places, you really shouldn\'t worry about that. Just let the plot take you into it\'s horror house via roller-coaster.\r\n\r\nUp until now, Dandadan has kept me interested with it\'s funny aspects and sad backstories. It is possible you may not find it funny to use the disappearance of male reproductive organs, but the use of it makes the story consecutive. It\'s very wild, but it\'s been keeping very excellent pace. I recommend this, but I understand if you don\'t get to enjoy it as much as I did.
3 years agoDandadan is a weird amalgamation of genre blending that is kinda done a lot in shounen jump now-a-days, but just done better.\r\n\r\nIt seamlessly blends action, romance, comedy, horror, slice of life, mystery, and sci-fi in the weirdest and best way possible.\r\n\r\nThe story will shine later down the road when everything gets revealed, and we know everything, kinda like with chainsaw man.\r\n\r\nBut the monster of the week scenarios don\'t necessaly feel forced, other then the inciting incident.\r\n\r\nAll in all, this is gonna be one helluva journey and I can\'t wait to see where Yukinobu Tatsu takes it.
3 years ago[SPOILER FREE REVIEW]\r\n\r\nStory 8/10\r\nHonestly a breath of fresh air from all these long-isekai-novel titles. The pacing is also very fast and keeps you interested. All the plot is introduced in the early chapters and is developing to be a very good story. \r\n\r\nArt 10/10\r\nBetter than your average manga art, and has a very distinct art style to their environment and characters, especially their faces. The separation from each panel is very interesting and perfect, as it shows what the characters are doing without long boring texts.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment 10/10\r\nHonestly excited to see where this manga will go as it has a pretty strong start. Will be looking\n ...\n forward to it.\r\n\r\n30/09/2021
3 years agoTL;DR It\'s good! Read it! \r\n\r\n\r\nBefore going into details here, I want to specify one thing in particular: This Manga is also a love story. I have seen a some people complain about 'forced romance' - the romance was there before everything else: \r\n\r\nIt starts with Ayase breaking up with her boyfriend. She gets consoled more or less by her gyaru friends, then she proceeds sulkin and walking around the school corridors 'will I ever find another ken?' She then sees Takakura, whom she shields from bullies. This is her introduction, these are her establishing character moments. And her relationship with Takakura has a\n ...\n heavy focus on the fact that he not only has the same name as her favourite actor, but also tends to use some phrases the actor is known for. This is all in the first chapter by the way. \r\n\r\nAnd the rest of the story so far relies HEAVILY on sexual themes. Not innuendos. There are pages that taken out of context would have people asking for the 6 digits. \r\n\r\nSo anyone who thinks the romance here is forced has not been paying attention. \r\n\r\nWith this out of the way, lets get started:\r\n\r\nWhile roughly 25 chapters in I would already consider this one of my favourite Manga of all time. The art is astonishing, the character designs feel unique. The story is crazy, but good. And everything is over the top. \r\n\r\nThe switch between comedy and serious tearjerker can flip in an instant and hit you with a delay, so you won\'t realize that you\'ve been tricked a few pages ago. \r\n\r\n\r\nStory:\r\n\r\n\r\nThe main plot starts with the two MCs 'bonding' over their interest in supernatural stuff. He believes in Aliens, she believes in Ghosts. But both don\'t believe in the thing the other one believes in. So they challenge each other to go to a location where a supernatural thing they don\'t believe in would show up. \r\n\r\nTurns out both were right about the thing they believed in existing. \r\n\r\n\r\nThis kickstarts a cascade of events. Ayase unlocks some powers, Okarun gets his Genitals stolen. You read that right. \r\n\r\n10/10 \r\n\r\n\r\nArt:\r\n\r\nAs mentioned before, the Art is great. It is cartoonish/chibi when they argue with each other, but dark and detailed when the mood is serious and the soroundings are scary. \r\n\r\nA thing I found interesting in particular is that most characters are drawn to be rather short - without the overly long legs normal High school Manga draw them with. \r\n\r\n\r\nCharacters:\r\n\r\n\r\nWhile writing this there are three characters to care about in particular:\r\n\r\n\r\nAyase, Momo - She\'s the heroine.\r\n\r\nShe\'s a good person at heart, but she also doesn\'t seem to like showing it. She\'s shown to be superficial in her introduction, chosing the worst guy possible as her boyfriend, only because of his looks - but that\'s just one part of her. She appears to be strong willed and smart when needed, but also shy and insecure. So more or less an anxty teenager. \r\n\r\n\r\nTakakura, Ken - the hero\r\n\r\nAyase calls him 'Okarun' because he has the same name as the actor she likes and she feels like it wouldn\'t feel right calling him that. He\'s introduced as an otaku without friends, Ayase taking pity on him and shielding him from bullies is probably the best thing ever happening to him at school.\r\n\r\nHe\'s very interested in aliens, and he confuses Ayase\'s motivation to just do a good deed with genuine interest in that stuff. He grows a lot through his interactions with Ayase, to the point he starts to work out in secret so he could impress her.\r\n\r\n\r\nShiratori, Aira - the third wheel\r\n\r\n\r\nShiratori gets introduced as an Alpha bitch. But as with the other characters, this is just a red herring. In reality she\'s a true chunin, believing she\'s a magical girl and the main heroine of the story. In her mind Okarun is a guy she needs to save from the evil demon controling Ayase. \r\n\r\nAs with the others she\'s also very inexperienced about love, her only ideas are from Manga and Women\'s magazines. Have I mentioned this is a love story as well?\r\n\r\n\r\nAnyways, every character is flawed but also very likeable.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n10/10\r\n\r\n\r\nOverall this is one of the best Manga I\'ve read this year. I would rank it in my top 10 of all time, but since we are only 25 chapters in there MIGHT be the possibility of it getting bad. At the point of this review I don\'t see it though.\r\n\r\n\r\nGo read it!
3 years agoThis series has one of those pilot chapters that hooks you from the get go. \r\n\r\nAlbeit I was a little confused at first as I had no idea where the mangaka was going with the story (and seems neither is he). I thoroughly enjoyed the first 5 chapter. \r\n\r\nOne flow I feel with the story is that there isn\'t a long term goal with the story, what are the main characters end goals? what are they achieving? Another thing that can be seen as a good thing ( and a bad thing) is the continuous transition from humor to serious. \r\nThe main characters would be\n ...\n in a very bad situation and out of nowhere, the panels would go from very dark art to very simple, and humorous. I still enjoy them, I just think it would be better to cut down on these and rather have the jokes mostly before and after the battles ( I really liked the toilet joke)\r\n\r\nOverall, very well drawn with humorous and dark toned panels. 8/10
3 years agoTldr: Best comedy I\'ve read since SpyxFamily, really enjoyable. I had my doubts with the first two chapters but I\'m glad it wasn\'t weird enough to put me off. Great story, great action, amazing characters, great romance (?). A genuinely unique story. You\'ll know if you like it within the first 4 chapters or so - the story moves at a nice pace so you can know if its for you pretty quick.\r\n\r\nStory - This genre (exorcism/occult/action) isn\'t rare but the story itself and the execution is probably some of the best you\'ll find. The protags and antags have depth which moves the story in\n ...\n novel ways - keeps you hooked. 10/10\r\n\r\nArt - Its really nice - reminds me of Insomniacs After School andthe newer generation of shounen - works even better since it suits the MCs allows for enough unique character design. The fights are nice too - though not spectacular. The monsters though, are really well done. 9/10\r\n\r\nCharacters - Really good. 10/10\r\n\r\nEnjoyment - Its one of the best I\'ve read in a year or two. The last few chapters especially were hilarious\r\n\r\nOverall: Do yourself a favor and check it out. If you want to read a manga you\'re not gonna find many better ones.
3 years agoDevelopment:\r\n\r\nTake two Characters, spiritual powers, spiritual monsters, aliens, sexuality, weirdly cool fights and very bizarre art angles put them together and you have is work.\r\n\r\nThis work resembles a bizarrely cool fusion of: \r\n\r\nBleach + Noragami + Mob Psycho 100 + JoJo Bizarre adventure\r\n\r\nScript:\r\n\r\n ...\n The work focuses on two characters who come together out of sheer bad luck to fight evil beings, spirit monsters and aliens (yes, that\'s right!). We can see a very acid comedy, criticism of sexuality and Character development. \r\n\r\nThe fights are as bizarre as the manga already shows, so expect plenty of 'Dude, what am I reading?' moments. This is not bad, in fact it is very good! \r\n\r\nArt:\r\n\r\nArt done by Yukinobu TATSU, a.k.a Yukinobu RYUU, assistant to Tatsuki Fujimoto (Chainsaw man), that is my friends, the art of this 'assistant' demonstrated that he is on the same level as many classic manga masters. \r\n\r\nVery well drawn and beautiful characters, very bizarre monsters that remind a lot of Junji Ito\'s monsters, but in a version with distorted angles. \r\n\r\nThe manga excels in the use of many curved angles, it can be in the environments, in the monsters or in the movement. The use of this resource makes the work very bizarre, an experience that gives a psychedelic air to the work. \r\n\r\nAt certain moments you feel strangely enveloped by these bizarre angles.\r\n\r\nCertainly, this art is bizarrely and strangely engaging!\r\n\r\nIn summary:\r\n\r\nA very fun work to read, its strangeness is what draws the most attention, its art is something that jumps to the eyes, the fights are very unique and funny, the author knew how to make a very good junction between the Comic, bizarre, strange and non-sense, without losing the tone at any time. \r\n\r\nYou can be sure, if the author continues with this quality, this work will easily be among the main manga in the future. \r\n\r\nFinal note:\r\n\r\n9/10
3 years agoOne word I can use to describe this new series is “promising.” This is my second review and my last one was my negative nancy side, so I’m happy to write something that I’ve been thoroughly enjoying sense the first chapter to its current chapter. Dandadan, written and illustrated by Tatsu Yukinobu, had just recently been added to Shounen Jump+’s new lineup of manga, and this one has been recommended by none other than the author of Chainsaw Man and Jigokuraku. While I have not have the privilege to read Jigokuraku yet, I have read Chainsaw Man and these series definitely share similarities in how\n ...\n bad shit insane they are.\r\n\r\nStory:\r\nThe story centers on our two main characters: Takakura Ken, an insecure nerd who is obsessed with aliens, and Ayase Momo, a gyaru with a fascination of the occult. Both are of different worlds, but gather to different places of strange occurrences to prove which is false. Both end up to be true as Momo is kidnapped by aliens to impregnate her and Ken is possessed by a supper fast grandma who wants his penis. Ken gains control of the “Turbo Granny” and saves Momo, with the help of her latent supernatural abilities. Thus, they grow an unlikely friendship as they encounter other worldly spirits and inter-terrestrial beings. This story goes from one place to another in ways you wouldn’t expect, and always keeps you engaged with it’s breakneck pace and balls-to-the-wall action.\r\n\r\nCharacters:\r\nOther than it’s out-of-control action and story, another strength to this manga is its characters. It’s what really gives the heart of the story as both Momo and Ken have really good chemistry as they angrily yell at each other through dangerous situations and share a heart to heart with each other as they grow from their experiences. There’s also Momo’s aunt, Santa, who later joins the cast as an experienced psychic who taught Momo of the supernatural. She becomes a mentor to our main characters and may be a sexually attracted to Ken. Their dynamic is infectious and leads to some good laughs.\r\n\r\nArt:\r\nThe art is spectacular, as Tatsu can balance comedy, action, and horror to each page. Each enemy having a haunting eerie quality to them, while our characters contrast for the more silly aspects of the series. Action also has the motion and intensity that you would expect from the best of Shounen action manga.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment:\r\nLike previously mentioned, this is an exciting ride that you don’t know where it’s taking you. One minute it’s a coming of age slice of life manga, next it’s a cut-throat action horror manga. If you’re someone that liked the intensity and action-packed fun of Chainsaw Man, you might like this one.\r\n\r\nOverall:\r\nThis series is still in its early days so my score could easily raise or fall depending on where the story goes. Nonetheless, I’m excited where this manga will go and the manga has a successful run on Jump+ and gets better from here.
3 years agoTo begin with, I enjoyed reading the manga, of course, I enjoy reading it now, though not as much as before.\r\n\r\n These kinds of manga manage to attract my attention, be it the story or the characters. Dandadan manga really looks like a nice manga from what I\'ve read right now.\r\n\r\n Dandadan, He has a lot of really weird characters as a side character, and they\'re not bad. They look nice, even if they\'re not very good at villains.\r\n\r\n Turbo Nine, one of the bad characters, was actually not bad, but I did not like it very much.\r\n\r\n GENERAL : 7
4 years agoThis is a really creative story, probably one of the most creative stories out right now. The characters are funny and how the 2 protagonists interact is amazing.\r\n\r\nbut.... \r\n\r\nI have a problem with the story at the moment. it kind of feels like the mangaka doesn\'t know what he wants to do. Its a really creative story but everything feels rushed and like a lot of stuff is getting thrown at us.\r\n\r\nIts not too fair to shit on the manga right now, i do expect this to pick up soon since its only on 4 chapters but at the moment I don\'t think this is\n ...\n a 10 or 9.\r\n\r\nI do plan on changing my review and rating the more i read since it does look promising but rights now its a 6 more or less but its not a 10 or 9.
4 years agoSo the author of Chainsaw man Tatsuki Fujimoto recommended this one to his fans. I really must say. WOW. WHAT IN FUCK DID I JUST READ. Even though there are only 3 chapters out so far ( which is not enough to review anything but i really wanted to give my thought on this ), this is so fucking good. \r\nStory : Isn\'t much really to talk about but premise looks promising.\r\n\r\nArt : Holy fuck this is real good art. The best panel i saw so far 100% was okarun\'s transformation.\r\n\r\nCharacter : Kind of incel male protag and a tsundere chad female mc? Granny is\n ...\n a fucking GIGA CHAD tho\r\n\r\nAlso why the grandma looking so fucking young. Not complaining but just curious.\r\nOverall 100% recommend if u just finished Chainsaw man and are awaiting part 2 or just in general
4 years agoIf there are 3 (technically 5) words to describe this manga its: \r\n\r\n WEIRD, FUN, and WHAT THE FUCK \r\n\r\nSuch a weird ride with horny ghosts and banana loving aliens that makes you wonder what in the world you\'re reading but at the same time the art is beautiful and scary/creepy. The characters designs are unique and exactly what you would expect with the past assistant of Mr. Fujimoto of Chainsaw Man. \r\n\r\nIt\'s interesting that there\'s not one but 2 main characters and they\'re basically opposites of each other but their conversations and reactions towards\n ...\n each other is hilarious. Only 2 chapters are out but I can see that this is definitely the birth of a new cult classic.
4 years agoInstead of listing the famous names that recommended this manga, I want to clearly state my thoughts about this beginning premise.\r\n\r\n-Okay typical school setting\r\n-Occultic science fiction shit\r\n-What the fuck\r\n\r\nSome of the shit we\'ve seen in the first chapter alone can be taken extremely out of context, in which I compare this part to the random shit I\'ve or you\'ve seen in Fire Punch (Author was an assistant under Fujimoto).\r\n\r\nWhile there isn\'t much to go on, I can sorta guess the route we are taking... Honestly, the first chapter was so random I wouldn\'t even know. I would like to think of it as some sort\n ...\n of bootleg mob psycho but this time we have more variety in the mixed.\r\n\r\nWell besides the occultic battle premise without much to go on, the characters in particular have their potential of course to grow and mature maybe. We are introduced to a nerd and an aggressive girl that tries to prove their theories against each other, but in the end they prove each other right.\r\n\r\nOther than that, this series gets pretty weird and creepy like it was suppose to be a one-shot parody but apparently we\'ll be introduced to more. So in any case, look out for more!\r\n\r\n10/10 Occultist shit
4 years ago[no spoilers] \r\na manga recommended by the authors of chainsaw man and jigokuraku.....must be a banger. and it is...\r\n\r\nit has all of those weirdness of chainsaw man and epic action scenes of hells paradise [yes all of it in ch 1] the world still isn\'t fleshed out enough but since its the first chapter, we don\'t need to worry about that too much. \r\ni liked the characters....and their weird quirks ofc. the art is very good imo, if u enjoyed jigokuraku then you\'ll enjoy this for sure......it doesn\'t have berserk level of detail into it but its good. \r\n\r\nall in all, you should give\n ...\n it a try