Finished , (Mar 2018 - Sep 2024)
Hidden in plain sight, an age-old conflict rages on. Supernatural monsters known as Curses terrorize humanity from the shadows, and powerful humans known as Jujutsu sorcerers use mystical arts to exterminate them. When high school student Yuuji Itadori finds a dried-up finger of the legendary Curse Sukuna Ryoumen, he suddenly finds himself joining this bloody conflict. Attacked by a Curse attracted to the finger's power, Yuuji makes a reckless decision to protect himself, gaining the power to combat Curses in the process but also unwittingly unleashing the malicious Sukuna into the world once more. Though Yuuji can control and confine Sukuna to his own body, the Jujutsu world classifies Yuuji as a dangerous, high-level Curse who must be exterminated. Detained and sentenced to death, Yuuji meets Satoru Gojou—a teacher at Jujutsu High School—who explains that despite his imminent execution, there is an alternative for him. Being a rare vessel to Sukuna, if Yuuji were to die, then Sukuna would perish too. Therefore, if Yuuji were to consume the many other remnants of Sukuna, then Yuuji's subsequent execution would truly eradicate the malicious demon. Taking up this chance to make the world safer and live his life for a little longer, Yuuji enrolls in Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School, jumping headfirst into a harsh and unforgiving battlefield. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
2 years agoThings started off pretty okay, even great. But I feel like Gege was told to stretch the story after the anime took off.\r\n\r\nAfter the Shibuya Incident arc, the plots that drew in readers are put on hold, and much of the established worldbuilding is either ignored or seemingly dropped. The best example is the abandonment of the school setting. The reader also isn\'t shown how big the impact of the incident really is for common citizens, which alienates the story from the reader. How much of the world is affected? We just don\'t know.\r\n\r\nI dropped this manga after chapter 188, which is well into the\n ...\n Culling Game part of the story. This arc focuses a lot of fighting scenes: between familiar and unfamiliar characters, or sometimes even between new characters only. It became very hard for me to keep reading however, since the fighting scenes and cursed techniques become more and more far-fetched during this arc. I could barely understand what was going on at some points, though that might also have something to do with the translations. But if you ask me, if you need to take a step out of the fight to explain to the reader how a power works (with tables and everything!), the power is too complicated.\r\n\r\nOverall, if you asked me to score the portion of the manga up to the Shibuya Incident, I\'d give it a solid 8 or 9. After that, the plot quality drops dramatically to about a 4 or 5, depending on the chapter. My recommendation: read up to the Shibuya Incident Arc.\r\nI will keep an eye on future arcs to see if Gege picks up those plotlines again, but until then, I\'m done with this manga.
3 years agoTo understand why I perceive this anime as a 4 or actually 3.5 we should first look into the story telling and characters, since they kind of come together.\r\n\r\nProblem 1: Antagonists\' overwhelming power\r\nAlthough the story portrayed and built up Gojo Satoru as the strongest since the start of the story, (and sorry if you feel like you have been spoiled), he was so easily captured. And that doesn\'t make sense. Many readers genuinely loved Gojo\'s characters, and he is hardly in the manga in the Shibuya Arc. This effectively make audience empathize with protagonists, but also make it increasingly frustrating. Everytime the protagonist was going\n ...\n to be defeated, they are not. And that works for 1 or 2 times, but the amount of times that happened in this manga is just frustrating. Makes people lose patience and forget the point of the whole story sometimes. Hence, this is the largest downfall of this manga.\r\n\r\nAlso, when the reader\'s concentration and patience is gone with a character, they usually might just drop the series. (You know, how many times you wish Mahito gone)\r\n\r\nProblem 2: Incomplete and messy instructions on the nature of the superpower systems\r\nThe author definitely did try, but still many things happened during Shibuya arc that were not really explained very well. For example, people returning from death, how Fushiguro released something next level. Without very clear explanation, its increasingly hard for audience to connect the dots and relate to the story, which brings me to my next point.\r\n\r\nProblem 3: Difficult to relate to\r\nCharacters are shallowly crafted. Like all their motivations seems like plastic. In the end, the story just feels like a newer version of Bleach (albeit Bleach\'s beginning was so much better).\r\n\r\nOverall, quite a waste of time. The arcs are not fantastic, one felt like Naruto\'s jyuunin shiken, the other felt like something in Bleach. Even though their art is more or less great, and Gojo is a very good looking character, Not gonna return to read.
3 years agoJujutsu Kaisen is your typical cookie cutter shounen manga, your tropes are all present here. The character designs are cool and all but you won\'t really get an attachment to them. Characters die way too fast before you even have some sort of emotional connection to them, the battles are mindless and features lots of asspulls. The storytelling is whack, it\'s all over the place without any sense of direction at all. The power gap also isn\'t fun, characters just get stronger and stronger without any good reason, there\'s just no build up for everything on this manga, everything comes in a whim.
3 years agono spoilers\r\n\r\nStory - 3: \r\nThis could\'ve been even lower but anyway you have your standard pseudo-modern Shonen goal and adventure, basically a generic Shonen with a a little(a lot) more edge. I put this as a 3 because if you look back on every 'significant' moment, it all felt very impromptu and could\'ve been changed at any given moment(I am talking especially about the later chapters, Shibuya arc...). I actually enjoyed the first 50 or so, idk much more than the rest of it that seemed to drag on for sooo long. Dialogue becomes lengthy and boring to read at some point because they\n ...\n try to cram in bs explanations so much when they could\'ve built up for much longer to feel more impactful. So much worldbuilding that doesn\'t even end up making sense(I can look past that), but even aside from that the exposition and build-up/hype for trying to be entertainment itself is pretty bad. Fights end up feeling hollow and tension is strung high for so long you start forgetting high and lows/variety and plot twists are expected...\r\n\r\nArt- 5:\r\nI\'m being generous here because I did enjoy the art style direction, and how JJk did seem very artsy in some of it\'s chapters. But also, as a digital artist I got so freaking annoyed at the excessive use of the 'calligraphy'ish brush. It was cool at first, but man it feels more like a crutch than artistic choice now, especially because Todo\'s hair is literally just that brush and that annoyed me to now end. That\'s a pet peeve of mine but also there are quite a few sparse panels and pages that are literally only words... is this a light novel...? Sparse pages include covering the entire page in a cool black blot of ink, I guess. Sometimes the art/paneling/typesetting can get messy to the point you don\'t understand what happened, but that kinda goes for everything in the series so I was lenient xd\r\n\r\nCharacter - 6:\r\nCharacters could\'ve had more development, but purely on design and personalities... they were alright, and certainly not an eyesore(most of them). I think a lot of them get ruined because of bad story writing, but taking them at face value, there is a character type for everyone to like. I think the visual designs of the characters can seem boring compared to other big-name Shonen JUMP series, but I suppose you could say it has it\'s own aesthetic in looking uniform and modern/aesthetic. Either way, they\'re still great and some are a little more interesting than others, but there are definitely likable characters and characters you can simp for(if you ignore the poor development and treatment they get in story). I initially put this at 7 but then I remembered Mahito...\r\n\r\nEnjoyment - 3:\r\nIt\'s manga received Kimetsu no Yaiba treatment but less polarizing. The first few chapters of the manga are... not terrible, but nothing special. However, as the series continues on-- arc after arc, I sincerely wanted to drop the series. There was no 'nail in the coffin' when I dropped this series. It just slow burn distaste and became tedious to read and I straight up lost interest for the next arc. I was generous to the aforementioned categories, but it\'s not a fun manga to binge in the later chapters and once you try to wrap your head around all these details of the story/art/characters, it feels like a botched job in all three categories and not really worth the trouble anymore. Sometimes stuff just happens for what felt like no reason and all you can do is roll your eyes and go 'okay...' at this series, and none of the categories held up to keep you latched on or attached to anything that was happening or anyone there. Like I said, there is so much unnecessary text sometimes that it did not feel worth reading. \r\n\r\nOverall - 5:\r\nIt\'s kinda generic, not gonna lie but there are some 'aha! gorey and really messed up' non-standard Shonen themes and imagery that are well-suited for people who enjoy Shonen with extra edge. I don\'t find any of it that special or that new, and I am especially disappointed from the later chapters. Before that, it was an alright experience but it just gave me pain, tbh...Anyway, rated it a 5 because it was mediocre at best, but if I\'m being real the two extra points were for Nanamin <3
3 years ago(151 chapters read as of writing this review)\r\n\r\nI feel like I want to like Jujutsu Kaisen more than I do, which is a little annoying. There are some mild Chainsaw Man vibes and some equivalent exchange-ish rules similar to xxxHolic. It feels hard to say much without spoiling everything, so I suppose I\'ll just get right into the good and bad.\r\n\r\n\r\n-THE GOOD-\r\n1. There are some characters they mention regularly right from the start of the manga, including Okkotsu and Touji Zenin/Fushiguro. The hype they build for these characters serves well when they actually come into play.\r\n\r\n2. Maki\'s potential is foreshadowed for quite a while, so\n ...\n you know that\'s gonna lead to something cool. Sukuna\'s interest in Megumi also seems like it should have some impact later on. \r\n\r\n\r\n-THE WEIRD-\r\n1. I have mixed feelings about the Sukuna fingers. They made it seem like a key plot point early on, then they ended up getting it over with quicker than expected. It\'s weird how that stuff just kinda sits on the backburner for so long when it\'s the basis for the whole story. \r\n\r\n\r\n-THE BAD-\r\n1. Even 150 chapters in, we\'re still in tutorial mode. \r\nThey keep explaining all these basic rules about jujutsu sorcery, as well as explaining enemy abilities and elaborate 'game' rules. It\'s never a short explanation either. Just when things are ramping up, you get interrupted by some gibberish half-explanation of how something works, so you never really know what\'s going on.\r\n\r\nJust lay the rules out plainly and keep it consistent, please. Or keep the explanations more brief. Or don\'t explain anything, just let us figure it out. \r\n\r\n2. The character names!\r\nI get mixed up with the character names so often, especially when most characters refer to someone by one name, then someone else decides to call them by their other name (first name vs. last name). It doesn\'t help when some characters have similar names. I found this bad despite powering through 151 chapters; I can\'t imagine the struggle reading 1 chapter per week.\r\n\r\nYuta vs. Yuji\r\nGojo vs. Jogo\r\nTwo characters named Noritoshi Kamo.\r\nBrothers with similar names: Choso, Eso. More names from chapter 144: Noranso, Sho-oso, Tanso, Sanso, Kotsuso, Shoso. Gimme a break!\r\n\r\nThere are a lot of characters that don\'t get much screen time, so just hearing their surname is confusing enough as is, but then you still have some characters calling them by their first name. \r\n\r\n3. The whole story just feels kinda slow/awkwardly paced for the first 100 chapters or so. The constant explanations here and there probably aren\'t helping with that. They also have a good few flashbacks mixed in at seemingly random places.\r\n\r\n4. It\'s a bit annoying that this far into the story, they haven\'t explained why Gojo is usually blindfolded while other times doesn\'t cover his eyes at all. Okkotsu\'s ability has been left to feel like a plothole, that\'s something they should\'ve explained immediately. \r\n\r\n5. Cop out 'one of these characters will die in the next chapter' thing early in the story shortly after a new character is introduced. Why\'d they have to tell us someone would die and then follow through in the most half-assed way possible? They should\'ve just kept their mouths shut.\r\n\r\n\r\n-CONCLUSION-\r\nIt\'s enjoyable overall, but the pacing is pretty bad. It generally feels like they\'re rushing through and not explaining things properly while at the same time feeling like it takes forever for anything to really happen. In the latest chapters (around 150), it gets a lot more intense. I hope they reveal the rest of their hand and keep this momentum going forward!
4 years agoStory: 3, Art: 5, Character: 7, Enjoyment: 6, Overall: 5\r\n\r\nJJK sucks\r\n\r\nJujutsu Kaizen a new Shonen leaving its mark and dropping big numbers alongside others like My Hero Academia. To set my footing here ill ask myself the simple question, what do I think of JJK? .... The best way i can explain this is by saying, this is the most overrated piece of generic Shonen since Demon Slayer. Why? everything, from the characters to the story is all ripped off and nobody opens their eyes because the manga got a great anime adaption. \r\n\r\nRating\r\n\r\nStory 3: The story is exactly just like My hero,\n ...\n Black Clover, Naruto and every Shonen that uses tropes. Yet the only difference is that everyone praises JJk for doing the exact same garbage that every other shonen does. My Hero gets hate for its generic story, Deku gets accepted into the most prestigious school after getting the strongest power. Itadori gets assigned into the or one of the most prestigious sorcerer school after getting the curse spirit of Sukuna. Itaodir has a basically demon inside of him, Asta has a demon in his grimoire. Yall see what I\'m saying? JJK is on par with your typical generic shonen. Just that these other mangas like My Hero and Black Clover, have better execution to garbage tropes. \r\n\r\nArt 5: Honestly I\'m being generous here, it pisses me off how poorly drawn some chapters are, ranging from 0 shading to scribbles all over a page when Itadori uses Black Flash or basically any fight in this manga is splattered with ink and scribbles. Sometimes the drawings are un readable, i cant see a single thing and the body proportions looked morphed and lazy. The art is mid at most and low resolution even though i read on VIZ.\r\n\r\nCharacter 7: I tried being as generous as possible here to but honestly the characters in JJK are the 1 and only thing that is decent in this plot hole, generic and poorly executed story. Characters like Nobara get hardly any development but people don\'t notice that because 'oh she\'s a unique and badass character' which makes no sense because there still has to be development regardless of uniqueness. Megumi has had pretty good development but i wish he relied more on his friends, nevertheless he still has great character development and he reminds me of Aki frrom Chainsaw Man. Itadori... wow it is a shit show with him, he starts off as someone who wants to save someone and is always happy to him being the exact same in the latest chapters. The only character development we saw from Itadori is in the Shibuya arc, he gets more mature but right after all his friends get basically killed he is back on his bull shit as being a happy dude. I wished he grew up and realized hes living a fucking nightmare.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment 6: honestly iot pisses me off how people say this is a 9/10 or 10/10 saying this is peak Shonen, Shonen at its best. Then after they come and say that, Black Clover is bad because its generic, my hero is bad because the characters suck. Literally the characters in my hero are just as bad in JJk, the story is just as generic in BC than it is in JJk. People need to wake up and drop the hypocrisy. \r\n\r\nOverall 5: Its at most a mediocre series so far, the manga sucks so far with a lot of plot holes and a lot of missing context and bad writing. To begin with Gojo got his power off of some bs, he basically trained for like 1 month and got the strongest buff in new gen Shonen history with hardly any training and no development. The manga is a rip off of every other new gen and a accumulation of character designs from every old generation show.
4 years agoGoing to keep it quick, this series started off great the story, art and characters were all great, then the Shibuya arc happened.\r\n To say things are a mess would be an understatement. Characters were dumbed down to make the plot work, the art for the action has steadily gotten worse each chapter and so many plot conveniences that it\'s laughable. I lost count how at how many Deus ex machinas their were in the Shibuya arc.\r\nI think the author has bitten more than he can chew, I\'m dropping this for now maybe down the line I might pick it back up. Hopefully the author\n ...\n can salvage the ending to this but seeing where it\'s heading I have my doubts.
4 years agoThis manga is Shounen Jump\'s newest supernatural story promise, after great names like Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Shaman King and Bleach you would expect that JJK would be on pair with those great stories, newsflash: it isn\'t.\r\n\r\nThe story starts of okay, the author seems to be holding a bit info though, he could have shared more about the world as the arcs were passing, however, on the current arc, Shibuya Incident the author starts vomiting information on you, worldbuilding, characters (their names and faces), techniques, it is just too much, it is even worst when it tries to explain how a technique works and it makes\n ...\n you feel even more confused. On the other hand, since the beginning of the story is too slow, the protagonist progression is too fast, we are shown a ranking where either sorcerers or curses are placed, you would expect that our protagonist would be of a low grade, technically he is, but he progressed so fast that he already feels too strong and to countermeasure this the author already made entry-level enemies too strong.\r\n\r\nCharacter-wise they have okay personality, same old from the shounen genre, but I personally found their names hard to remember and their faces look the same to me, sometimes I rely on their hairstyles to know who is who, but when they say a name my mind becomes blank.\r\n\r\nThe art style is alright, crude and rough, the 'sketchy' details makes the roughness of the art. As I said before, drawing the characters\' faces don\'t seem to be the author strongest suit.\r\n\r\nI started off enjoying this manga, but the current arc and the decision to pour too much information now for worldbuilding seems like a bad idea. It is rushed writting, thus bad writting, ideas are all over the place, too much info, some things mentioned once only to be remembered months later and the author expects us to be with the material fresh on our minds.\r\n\r\nSo compared to previous supernatural stories Shounen Jump had release, JJK is a huge let down because it has bad writing, rushed worldbuilding and indistinguishable character\'s art.
4 years agoJujutsu Kaisen is an idea that tried to be unique, but ended up being another Demon Slayer. From the plot, comedy, and characters. They are identical and both foil the same way. Let me elaborate.\r\n\r\nComedy (6)- Let’s start with the comedy, one my substantial problems with this manga. The comedy is a bunch of screaming and yelling between Itadori and his friends (or adversaries considering the situation.) The author’s idea of “comedy” is a bunch of screaming and yelling in confusion or idiocracy. I will give credit where credit is due though as this manga had me dying on the floor at some portions. Where\n ...\n the character would do something so unexpected(for example In chapter 64 when Kugisaki finished talking with Yuko about Itadori she decided that she had to get a boyfriend before him. While the “it’s like that” portion before that was a pathetic excuse for comedy the aftermath was hilarious.) This could be considered dense or even expected of this series full of shit that is random comedy, but this still had me dying on my floor.\r\n\r\n\r\nArt (8)- There is not much to say about the art. It is equal to 2020 standards, nothing to special but it is more so on the good side. The fights are decent and the art in conversations can be annoying at times but overall it’s good.\r\n\r\n\r\nCharacter (5)- The MCs in Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuuji Ittadori (Main protagonist), Fushigoro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara(MCs friends, all attend Jujutsu High). Finally, but definitely not last, Gojou, Satoru(MCs Sensei/teacher of Jujutsu High) Yuji Itadori is a generally like-able guy. He is athletic, has decent looks, and has an “outgoing” personality. “Outgoing” refers to him constantly screaming and getting excited over nothing. (Just for the “comedy”). Yuuji ate a cursed finger to save his friends etc. (I’ll get into it later). His friends Fishigoro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara are just that. His friends. They don’t get nearly enough screen time and never had the opportunity to show off what the have in a mission etc. There is little character development from Yuuji throughout the story and zero to zilch character development in Fushigoro, Kugisaki, and little in Gojou. By the way who is Gojou? He is the real protagonist, and a godlike Jujutsu sorcerer (most likely the strongest atm.) Even though Gojou doesn’t get a lot of character development he gets a shit ton of screen time; in which I can appraise this series for as he is a total badass. The artwork done in his fights are on another level too. Even though his character might not be deep or relatable he is very entertaining; which leads us into our next topic-enjoyment.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment (8)- While Jujutsu Kaisen might lack character depth, story, and comedy my enjoyment while reading was a solid 8/10. Whether it be Garou creating his infinite domain or Yuuji releasing Ryoumen to obliterate other cursed. This manga is sure to catch your eye.\r\n\r\nStory/Plot (5)- The idea of killing cursed/demons is not untouched, but Jujutsu Kaisen tries to do it different by fighting cursed with curses. This genuinely sounds interesting but is executed rather poorly as “cure users” look like regular people, fight like regular fighters, and act like regular people. There is nothing unique about them that may have intrigued me if they had unique attributes to specific curse users like Noragami has. The story is about Yuuji Itadori who has to swallow a cursed finger to kill his friend. Where most are incompatible with curses there is a one in a million someone is compatible with a curse. Yuuji is compatible with the great curse of Sukuna, so he has to go around collecting his 20 fingers of his five arms before being executed by Jujutsu sorcers. If you want a complete summary read the synopsis. The base of the story is great but the execution turns into a generic and sometimes cliched story. The story gradually gets better but again; relapses into another generic arc.\r\n\r\n\r\nOverall (6)- I know this is a harsh rating considering my former ratings a barrage out to a 6.5 but the wasted potential in this manga is immeasurable. Relating to demon slayer again as the flaws of both are very similar. The comedy, characters, and plot are all very similar. If you are wondering if you should read Jujutsu Kaisen I recommend reading Demon Slayer(Kimetsu no Yaiba) first. If you love it then I can confidently reccomend Jujutsu Kaisen to you as a solid read. If demon slayer was mediocre for you then skip this manga. It won’t be the next big showmen if it dosent turn around soon, and it doesn’t look like it will.\r\n*This is my first review, don’t take anything too seriously*\r\n\r\nIf this review was helpful please upvote :)
4 years agoLook, take every review on here with a grain of salt because while I absolutely love this manga it is still ongoing so it can both get better or get worse. \r\n\r\nMoving on from that, like the majority of stories that this technically sound, how much you like this depends upon personal taste. I really enjoy the art, the characters are interesting and likeable, everyone has believable motivations and no one falls into annoying stereotypes. \r\n\r\nThe pacing is great and the writing is snappy. The mangaka really cuts down on anything that is even slightly filler, its really efficient storytelling, it doesn\'t skimp on character\n ...\n interaction for that but may seem too fast for some.\r\n\r\nLike I said once a story covers all its bases on skill, it depends on the reader\'s preference. Because I can see some people who come to shonen jump looking for fresh new crazy series being disappointed on finding a new fresh series that unfortunately (for them) is still very much a shonen series. \r\n\r\nMost of the complaints I see seem to me that they just don\'t like this type of story. I mean I liked this more than any of the other action shounen series I\'ve been following. For me personally, I did not have a single complaint with this series, 170 chapters in, it is going strong.\r\n\r\nThis is personally a 10 for me. If you are a fan of shounen titles give it a try, who knows maybe you might enjoy it as much as I do.
4 years agoNo Spoilers Ahead\r\n\r\nIntroduction:\r\nNow when I heard that a new Shonen Jump manga was getting an anime I immediately though\r\n“Ahhh shii here we go again” and immediately compared it to Naruto after reading the description ,but after reading it, it became apparent that it was anything but that. Jujutsu Kaisen definitely has its own identity and is very different from the run of the mill generic Shonen and I would recommend it to anyone who likes Shonen. After reading the Manga it became one of my favourites of all time and watching the anime has been a treat too - and I believe it could be\n ...\n one of the biggest shows of this decade.\r\n\r\nStory:\r\nThe story goes as follow - Yuji eats a finger and it just happens to be the king of curses, The jujutsu world sees him as a Danger to humanity and sentences him to death but before that he is allowed the chance to collect all the fingers of Sukuna then die - saving the world in the process.\r\n\r\n\r\nArtwork:\r\nGege Akutami’s artwork is very rough round the edges and at first can be hard to get into like Chainsaw Man however that does not stop the art from being beautiful and extremely detailed. The fights are easy to follow and very well done and the choreography is top tier, and all the attacks and techniques have their unique look which look amazing (especially Gojou’s attacks). Speaking of Gojo , the character the designs and outfit design are good giving off a unique vibe to each character and keeping the artwork and characters fresh. However, I do see how the artwork can be a turn off for some people looking to get into this manga - but after about 10 chapters you will not even notice it.\r\n\r\n\r\nPacing:\r\nThe pacing is extremely fast paced , at first I thought it was too fast paced but it definitely slows down in later arcs becoming a lot better in my opinion .However we don\'t stay in the school setting to long and waste time(like in Bleach) . Not much to say here except its really good.\r\n\r\nCharacters:\r\nYuji Itadori:\r\nYuji is just so GODDAMN LIKABLE like how can you hate him? His personality is pretty much the same as most Shonen protagonists except he does not scream his ideology or goal every 10 seconds(Asta/Naruto). His character getting his ideology challenged in different ways is intriguing and watching him grow as a character is good as well. He is not just a cardboard cut-out of a character and is unique.\r\n\r\n\r\nMegumi Fushiguro:\r\nOut of the 4 main characters(Yuji , Gojo, Nobara) he isn\'t my favourite as all of the others outshine him by A LOT, especially Gojo , but that doesn\'t mean that I don\'t like him he\'s a good enjoyable character. But he only really shines when with other characters . His past is quite interesting when later discovered in the manga and his family is one of the coolest families in the series .However he has one thing , his abilities on the coolness metre , are only second to Gojo in my book.\r\n\r\n\r\nNobara Kugisaki:\r\nShe is a treat to watch and her personality shines 2nd out of the main four just after Gojo IMO .She is also actually able to fight and isn\'t the typical helpless Shonen girl who just cries for help (Sakura) and isn\'t and annoying Tsundere who just abuses the MC(Noelle).\r\n\r\n\r\nSatrou Gojo:\r\nDefinitely the favourite character of the whole series and for good reason too his personality is great , his design is great , his powers are great and his ambitions are great to. It’s interesting to see him struggle with being the strongest Shaman and having to bear the responsibility that if he dies the order of the world will collapse and how he prepares the future generations for it - which we don\'t see often in Shonen and I wish we did with other stories like Naruto.\r\n\r\n\r\nSpin-Offs:\r\nJujutsu Kaisen has one prequel manga and two spin-off Light Novels however these have no English translation or fan translation available so have to skip these if you don\'t speak Japanese . They aren\'t necessary to read , however it’s a different story with the prequel manga. The prequel manga is good and is a good introduction to the characters and world of Jujutsu Kaisen, and although it isn’t necessary right now it is canon and due to recent chapter it might become necessary to read to understand the story in the future. Also Yuta (the MC of the prequel has been name dropped many times by Gojo and Fushiguro and the 2nd year studenets)\r\n\r\n\r\nConclusion:\r\nI highly recommend this manga it\'s one of the biggest serializing manga out right now and the anime adaptation is a good place to start - its animation and all that shiz is amazing. So whichever version of Jujutsu Kaisen you jump into make sure that you start soon!\r\n\r\nAlso listen to the anime opening cos that shii slaps
4 years agoIf you like the powers and abilities unique to each character similar to Hunter x Hunter or Psyren, coupled with the strong bonds of friendship that\'s not cliche as naruto and one piece but kind of like how Hitman Reborn was, then this is the anime and the manga for you. Jujutsu Kaisen is malleable enough to be Shonen but has the gore and realism elements in it to also be close to some Seinen anime/manga such as Berserk (well maybe not that fucked up but you know what I mean) or Ajin. Since I have bias towards anime with unique power structures like Hunter\n ...\n x Hunter and Psyren where its just not the generic shout=power up or friendship-danger=instapower, the anime and the manga really speak out to me and I hope you\'ll pick it up and support it so that the awesome sequences in the manga will continue to be animated.
4 years ago-- This review has no spoilers --\r\n\r\nThe manga is very good ... I recommend it a lot, it has incredible fights and well explained and creative powers, besides having an AMAZING art. One of the only negative points of the manga is the relationship of the characters ... idk, there could be a little romance and develop the characters\' friendship more, it\'s not so bad but I think it could be better. Other than that, it\'s one of the best manga I\'ve ever read, it\'s still being released, but it\'s very good, I think the anime will be great\r\n\r\n-- Thanks for your feedback! --
4 years ago[TRIGGER WARNING: this series contains a lot of body horror, and explores the subject of death. - If anybody is triggered by this, then take caution when reading / watching the series.]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nBEST THINGS ABOUT THIS SERIES:\r\n\r\n\r\n(1. SUBJECT MATTER: Surprisingly mature for a standard action shonen; - that being confronting death, valuing the life of others as well as your own, and even facing your own demise.\r\n ...\n \r\nThis also brings with it a lot of tension and fear that characters you like could die at any moment. And some very well might.\r\n\r\nHOWEVER, this is later completely dropped in favour of straight up action and lots of body horror with little repercussion, which ain\'t necessarily bad, it\'s just a bit whiplash inducing if you don\'t expect it.)\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n(2. WORLD BUILDING: Nearly every arc expands on the world of Curses and Shamans, bringing in a new faction and memorable characters. \r\n\r\nIt\'s a dreary and depressing line of work being a shaman, but the comedic elements of the main cast act as a nice contrast to the dark background.\r\n\r\nHOWEVER, the magic system, though unique and lot of fun to see in action, gets far too much explanation to the point of tedium, you could skip half the pages of power explanation and it wouldn\'t matter.)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n(3. ACTION: If you want cool characters doing badass things, fight scenes that feel like they have proper weight behind each punch and kick, then you will love this series.\r\n\r\nThis manga is able to make you really feel the speed and ferocity in the movements, it\'s honestly a lot of fun. Nearly every fight leaves marks in the environment, and the wind up and payoffs can be extremely satisfying to watch.\r\n\r\nHOWEVER, there is very little strategy beyond punching something really, really, really, really, hard. Despite some of the characters having unique powers of their own, they will most likely resort to the good ol\' fist-to-face method. - This wasn\'t so much a problem for me but it might be for others.)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWORST THINGS ABOUT THIS SERIES:\r\n\r\n\r\n(1. VILLAINS: While the monster designs are cool and creepy, showing off some truly disturbing body horror, a lot of them fall into the trap of 'human-like blob monster'. Fans of body horror have most likely seen a lot scarier. Its nothing special.\r\n\r\nBut worst of all, is the fact that nearly every villain, except for one, has the same role; - that being 'Wacky Magic Serial Killer'. Which gets extremely annoying after a while!\r\n\r\nThis can get so bad to the point where you\'re cheering for them to die, just because you want them to shut the hell up. Some are utterly pointless and die straight away. Don\'t get me wrong, it\'s super satisfying to see their comeuppance, but theres not much going for some of them beyond that.)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n(2. TONE: For the first few arcs the series is legitimately tense as the death of close characters, and even the main character, is at a constant threat. \r\n\r\nBut, this changes to a tone in which many characters get stabbed, have their bones broken, blood poisoned, flesh burnt, head smashed and throat slit... and they just walk it off! I don\'t know what that plot armour is made of but it\'s strong stuff!\r\n\r\nAlso, unless you are a regular for horror movies and gore, then the tone can really tire you out sometimes. The fast pace has few moments where it slows down so fare warning when binge reading.)
4 years agoYuji Itadori become the curse that the shaman seeks to exorcise in order to save his friend. To save himself from being executed, he becomes one of the shamans and goes on a journey to fulfil his grandfather’s last wish. \r\n\r\nStory: 7.5\r\nJujutsu Kaisen (JJK) may have the common troupe found in shonen yet the story weaved by Gege Akutami is complex and not as simple as you’d think because the world of JJK is a grim one and doesn’t shy away from the hideousness and grittiness of human nature. As such, don’t go reading this with a mindset or expectation you have on Naruto or\n ...\n Demon Slayer because you’ll be disappointed. JJK is the complete opposite of that. \r\n\r\nThe pacing is not too fast or too slow, but the story may feel a bit scattered and disconnected. When it comes to this, you need to be patient because it was done intentionally and as you progress further, what confuses you in the beginning slowly start to make sense in future chapters. The fight is brilliant because there is tactic and strategy used by characters. Despite the serious tone, the comedic part hits at the right moment and there are light-hearted chapters. Power system is great but the explanation for the individual technique can be difficult to understand.\r\n\r\nArt: 8 \r\nThe art is among the best in WSJ series currently. The sketchy and bold style emphasize the harshness of Jujutsu world and fit the overall tone of the story. The detailed human movement drawn in fight choreography makes it so fascinating to read and amazing panelling technique further enhance the fight scene. Though at times it can be confusing, paying extra attention to the details in panel really helps. The character designs, whilst may not be as fancy as One Piece, are distinguishable from one another despite looking almost ordinary (by shonen manga standard). \r\n\r\nCharacter: 9 \r\nThe character\'s writing is the biggest strength of this series. Each of one them is driven by personal reason and most of the time it’s not a heroic or noble motive because they all live in a cruel world. Some of the character’s writing covers from an entire story arc to spanning across multiple arcs that once you can piece together the information scattered by Gege, the more humane and understandable they become. I personally enjoy reading the progression of these character’s psyche and some of their characteristic or action is relatable at a certain point. \r\n\r\nOverall: 8\r\nJJK can truly be enjoyed if you take the time to understand the characters, their belief and the world itself which mean this is not a series for everyone. However, you can still enjoy the series at its face value. I highly recommend that at least read it two times to be able to make sense of the stuff that confuse you during your first read.\r\n\r\nTL;DR: If you like Hunter x Hunter, go and read Jujutsu Kaisen.
4 years agoThe first 40-50 chapters of Jujutsu Kaisen sucked balls to me. I hated almost everything about it. It was generic, cliched, and even confusing at times. But then the next 60 chapters made me go like 'yeah, its alright'. At times it\'s very fun to read, at others I\'d rather listen to Asta scream. \r\n\r\n The characters are boring. MC haha so strong naruto style. Fuck that guy. Most boring MC in the world. Kirito was more fun to watch. Sukuna better take over his body fast. The side MCs aka Megumi and the other girl.\n ...\n They\'re setting up a lot of mysteries around Megumi and his powers. His family is more interesting than his character. The other girl hasn\'t been developed enough as a character but I guess she has a distinct personality. Now the best characters. Every side character and villain is great. Geto, Satoru, Touji, and Nanami all interesting characters. Why the mangaka can make all these interesting characters, but his main characters are absolute ass, I will never know. \r\n\r\n The story is pretty generic for the first 50 chapters. In fact, I would say the first 50 chapters are the worst thing I have ever read. I had never been so bored in my entire life. If my life had been any less sad, I would have never read it. After the kyoto/tokyo training arc thing, the story picks up. It goes from trash to treasure. From berserk anime to berserk manga. I\'m overexaggerating it but it does get immensely better. We get a ton more interesting characters with much better stories than whatever happens in the first half. The flashback arc or whatever its called is definitely the best arc so far and maybe by the time the current arc ends It may be on par or better. \r\n\r\n The art is good. There isn\'t anything too special about it. Sometimes it looks nice. Sometimes I have no idea what I\'m looking at. The mangaka seems to have some problems with clarity sometimes but most of the time it looks good.\r\n\r\n The power system is fucking stupid. It makes no sense to me. I probably read too fast in the beginning and missed out on how exactly it works or the specifics because the battles although nice too read, get kinda retarded sometimes. The only power that I can even understand is the one who has none and is just strong. All the of the curse powers are just garbage to me.\r\n\r\n Overall, I would recommend the read. If you have the will to get past the first 40-50 chapters, or you may even end up liking it, then the story and characters will be dramatically better. The only thing that holds it back is the MC and his gang, the first few small arcs, and its predictability.
5 years agoThe jujutsu kaisen series is enjoyable. I could reread it and not get bored, but it is a series that feels like its not matching up to its potential. Every chapter feels like its lacking something define to it. \r\n\r\nStory: 7\r\n\r\nThe story line is pretty good. They have a lot set up for future chapters, but it isn\'t something never seen. If you have read the synopsis, you could tell. Very similar to blue exorcist, but it has its own sparks that make it more enjoyable. For a series with around 100 chapters thus far though, it feels like its one big rush and sometimes\n ...\n the storyline becomes vague. They timeskip in unexpected places and you feel like you missed a chapter or two. You would also expect some of those 'set up for future chapters' to come in, but its just plot holes after plot holes. However, the series has so much to give if the plot thickens. The timeskips bother me, but its not enough reason for me to stop reading.\r\n\r\nCharacter: 7\r\n\r\nThere wasn\'t enough character interactions. One minute you meet a new character, and they time skip and become best friends. The characters are quite hollow as of now and I feel like they could all be likable characters if we could see them interact more.There is not enough insight of the mc\'s thoughts either. I would say the author might be focusing more on the action thriller aspect of the story, but gives up on showing the characters actually just chilling with each other. Though it would definitely benefit the story telling if we had some insight on the personal turmoil\'s in the characters.\r\n\r\nArt: 9\r\n\r\nThe art is perfect for deciphering the characters emotions and the author knows how to angle the scene in a way that pulls readers into the world. I can\'t say its beautiful, but I like the sketchy and simple style it has as it fits the vibe of the manga. \r\n\r\nEnjoyment: 8\r\n\r\nIt is a really enjoyable series so far. It certainly kept me reading despite all that its missing. The mc is a likable character as well. You will find that the story doesn\'t really revolve around just the mc either, the same way that Gon is to hunterxhutner actually. \r\n\r\nConclusion\r\n\r\nThere is just so much the series could become, but it hasn\'t gotten there yet. It will be an action packed, interesting read for you to pass the time for sure though, so don\'t skip out!
5 years agoI gave this series a very high rating and probably one of the best new series, there with chainsaw man. First off, who would like this series?\r\n\r\nThe series are for those who love hard magic systems, good world building and are willing to wait for stories to pick up. That\'s as spoiler free as I can give you. I would say the first few chapters of the series are very generic and is not as interesting as chainsawman. But it picks up, alot.\r\n\r\nEscalations mainly occured in chapter 14, as we deeper look into power systems. chapter 40ish, with great chemistry between characters, and then chapter\n ...\n 70ish as we learn more about the things that went about. Additionally, the side story Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Technical School is also a good read and helps you understand the world more.\r\n\r\nThe world seems not yet vastly explored, we\'ve only seen two schools so far and have not seen the head of different jujutsu families yet. We are not yet exposed to many potential story lines, and neither do we completely grasp the magic system (whcih definitely has hard rules) yet. Read it now, and enjoy the ride.
6 years agoI decided to write a review on jujutsu kaisen mainly Because of the potential I see in it and what has been shown to us readers till date. Most people say that they get a early 'HunterXHunter' Vibe from reading this, but to me I felt elements from HunterXHunter,Bleach and fullmetal alchemist being combined and put in this one series. Some might consider this a stretch but you will have to read the manga to understand what I\'am saying.\r\n\r\nStory 7\r\n\r\nThe story starts of not cliche as most shounen this era do, But as we go on we start to see the impact of the early\n ...\n occurrence has on the main Character 'Yuji Itadori'. The story is still very young and limited mainly due to the manga having 50 chapters as of now. The powers used I the story is nothing new but the way it\'s being used is quite amazing.\r\n\r\nArt 8\r\n\r\nThe Art is fantastic But sometimes following it can be a bit confusing.\r\n\r\nCharacter 7\r\n\r\nThe Main Character already has his goal set and The Characters that have been showed so far all seem to be likable and the villains aren\'t aimlessly being evil for the sake of it, The villains in this story have a reason for being that way and they have some physiological twist to them.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment 8\r\n\r\nI enjoy reading this manga soo much and I always see my self coming back to re read the whole thing again.\r\n\r\nOverall 8\r\n\r\nAm giving it and 8 with soo little information on it?? Yes, This Manga is going to be amazing and there\'s no doubt in my mind that it wont be. Check It Out and Enjoy
6 years agoFor those who are always on the lookout for the next big hit from Shonen Jump, they\'ve probably been hearing about Jujutsu Kaisen, due to it selling fairly well for its early volumes and making it alive out of its first year of publishing, managing to avoid the early cancelation that kills most Jump series in half a year. But is it any good?\r\n\r\nStory: 6.\r\nHonestly nothing you havnt seen before. The setup feels as though its a bit cobbled together from other popular series, featuring a society dedicated to getting rid of evil spirits (Bleach), a school of talented young combatants (Boku no Hero), along\n ...\n with some generous dashes of Yu Yu Hakusho. The lack of originality is unfortunate, but the story does better when dealing with character to character interactions. It also has a good long term conflict between main character Yuuji and the demon that possesses him Sukuno, but for now, the series feels lacking in direction. It also has a very fast start, which I am always put off by in Shonen (people feel like they need to rush to exciting parts in order to avoid cancelation, but it reallyy just makes everything mean less when it happens so fast).\r\n\r\nArt: 6.\r\nProbably dest described as functional. You can always tell whats happening, but its just not that eye-catching or impressive. I think in a series that relies on feeling stylish, the mediocre art really hurts it. Its also damaged by running at the same time as some Jump series with much better art (Boku no Hero, Dr Stone, etc). The art is probably at its best when drawing freaky monsters This is the first serialization of the artist, so hopefully it gets better with time.\r\n\r\nCharacter: 5. \r\nPretty glaringly a big weakness of the series. The cast is a bit smaller than most Jump series, but no one is really that interesting. Yuuji is likable, Gorou is cool, but the author has\'nt done enough to really make me emotionally invest in either of them, despite them having the most screen time of any characters. The other characters are even more 2D. Mahito the villain is alright, Getou seems like he could get better over time.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment: 6.\r\nIt was\'nt bad, but it wasnt very good either. I\'m honestly a little surprised it made it out of the first year, since it certainly is nowhere near the quality of the other popular long running series in Jump. There is some potential on display, but the early chapters are just not that impressive.\r\n\r\nOverall: 6\r\nI\'m happy I read it, since I suspect it might get better over time, but the current run is mediocre.