Finished Airing , (Oct 2015 - Dec 2015)
The seemingly unimpressive Saitama has a rather unique hobby: being a hero. In order to pursue his childhood dream, Saitama relentlessly trained for three years, losing all of his hair in the process. Now, Saitama is so powerful, he can defeat any enemy with just one punch. However, having no one capable of matching his strength has led Saitama to an unexpected problem—he is no longer able to enjoy the thrill of battling and has become quite bored.\r\n\r\nOne day, Saitama catches the attention of 19-year-old cyborg Genos, who witnesses his power and wishes to become Saitama\'s disciple. Genos proposes that the two join the Hero Association in order to become certified heroes that will be recognized for their positive contributions to society. Saitama, who is shocked that no one knows who he is, quickly agrees. Meeting new allies and taking on new foes, Saitama embarks on a new journey as a member of the Hero Association to experience the excitement of battle he once felt.\r\n\r\n[Written by MAL Rewrite]
8 years agoStory: 5 (so-so only)\r\nArt and animation: 9 (why? i\'m anchoring my benchmark to Evangelion 2.0, Hellsing Ultimate, and Princes Mononoke, leading to score this anime to be near perfect, otherwise 10)\r\nSound: 6\r\nCharacter: 6\r\nEnjoyment: 9\r\nOverall: 9. \r\n\r\nOne Punch Man is an anime dedicated for those, including myself, who value more on superb action animation-based quality while putting story-wise and characters on the least priority. Because they focus so much on its animation and art wise, it can lead to double-edge sword for some people. On one hand, great animation and art can rise more enjoyment while putting less effort on story and characters can dampen\n ...\n the level of enjoyment. \r\n\r\nSo in order not to be slightly betrayed by this, I recommend people to shift their mode of thinking from being too serious to become 'why so serious'. That is, you should not having put too much thinking on characters and story as it may erode your enjoyment, but the erosion rate on characters and story might be slower than erosion rate based on action animation variables because its animation is so good to be re-watched and there are no annoying characters traits. \r\n\r\nFOr the story, it is just there for the sake of completeness or as a complementary element for its near-perfect animation quality.\r\n\r\nThose people who score One Punch Man as below 8 might weight more on story as their anchoring on Death Note\'s story quality standard while people, including myself, who score 8 and above is biased by the animation alone, but more than enough to satisfy their fundamental needs when watching anime.
9 years agoOne Punch Man was a fairly popular anime from the tail end of last year. It was based off of a webcomic by One, which has also been adapted into a manga. The anime came from Madhouse, which could be good or bad and there\'s no real way to ascertain which it is just because it has a lot of fans. After all, some of the worst anime I\'ve seen have had pretty substantive fan bases. Then again, just last week I reviewed Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex: 2nd Gig, which was both popular and really good. So, let\'s take a look and\n ...\n I\'ll see if it lives up to the hype.\r\n\r\nStory:\r\n\r\nSaitama is a hero for fun. When major trouble threatens people, he shows up and dispatches the threat with a single punch. There\'s just one problem, he\'s so strong that it\'s all become rather boring for him. The series follows Saitama as he faces various menaces, the most threatening of which is his own melancholy.\r\n\r\nHonestly, the biggest flaw with the comedy of the series is that it gets repetitive pretty quickly. Most of it follows the same pattern. A menace shows up, gets built up as a grave and pressing threat, fighting against and beating other heroes, Saitama shows up and one shots it. In between fights we get some other jokes, a lot of which are about Saitama being bored and disinterested with what he\'s doing. Then we have a character who exists entirely as an unfunny gay stereotype, Puripuri Prisoner. Thankfully, he\'s a minor character and only shows up in a few episodes but his scenes can be pretty cringe-worthy.\r\n\r\nOn the positive side, the main repeated joke of the series can be funny a few times and there are some pretty amusing scenes betwixt the action sequences. Some of which are actually quite clever in the ways they tackle shounen action series tropes.\r\n\r\nCharacters:\r\n\r\nMost of the characters in One Punch Man are pretty stock action tropes with a comedic twist. They aren\'t particularly complex but most of them are perfectly good for a parody work. I actually do quite like the contrasting dynamic with Saitama\'s more jaded and frivolous outlook with Genos\' more youthful and serious outlook. The best moments in the series come from these two playing off of one another. There are other characters with potential but, due to the short length of the series, a lot of them end up getting used for a single joke and don\'t really get any interactions or dynamics to play off of their potential.\r\n\r\nArt:\r\n\r\nThe artwork and animation are both really good in this series. The action sequences, at least before Saitama shows up, can be really interesting to see, even though you know how they\'re going to end. There are also some really nice and detailed villain designs in this. The one major flaw is that the action scenes get boring and repetitive when Saitama is involved. They either end really quickly or he lets the villain knock him around for a bit without any concern before ending it.\r\n\r\nSound:\r\n\r\nThe voice acting is okay. There are some strong actors in this and they give perfectly passable performances. They\'re just not particularly good or memorable. The music is pretty standard. It\'s not bad nor is it good. It\'s just functional.\r\n\r\nHo-yay:\r\n\r\nAside from our stereotype running around and frightening guys he finds attractive, there isn\'t any. So, this is a series that would be better with less ho-yay.\r\n\r\nFinal Thoughts:\r\n\r\nWhen it comes right down to it, whether or not One Punch Man is going to work for you really depends on whether or not you\'re the type of person who can keep laughing at the same joke, even when you know it\'s coming. If you can see slightly different versions of the same joke and keep laughing, this one may have the punch for your funny bone. If, on the other hand, you\'re a person who needs humour to be surprising in order to get a laugh out of it, you should definitely skip it. If you\'re like me and you can gain amusement from the same joke under certain circumstances but you need time between the versions, I would recommend seeing it, but giving it around ten days between episodes so that it doesn\'t get overly repetitive for you. In the end, in spite of its short comings, it\'s a decent parody series. I give it a 6/10. Next week, I\'m looking at Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna: Shin\'en no Fairy.
9 years agoThis series is one thing, one simple thing...\r\n\r\nSPECTACULARLY OVERRATED\r\n\r\nOverall - this series has a lot of potential, a comedic parody of shouen anime. However, the execution of this series is very poor.\r\n\r\nStory - There is little to no discernible story line it seems, and whatever is there is needless drawn out and fraught with cliche, that more or less parody shouen story-lines, but without providing any actual comedy. Basically turning into a shitty version of what they are trying to make fun of.\r\n\r\nArt/Sound - Only redeeming element of this anime, the art style is fantastic and it comes with a very good audio quality, the\n ...\n voice acting is about average.\r\n\r\nCharacters - Characters in this series tend to come off as extremely bland, and boring. This is quite a shame since the design and back story\'s of these characters are very interesting. This combined with decent voice acting should provide a decent set of characters. However, it doesn\'t this time, and it is very disappointing \r\n\r\nIn conclusion - This is a very disappointing series, fantastic art and sound combine with an awful story and lackluster characters make this series just disheartening and one of the most boring anime I have ever seen
9 years agoOne Punch Man is a highly accurate parody of the shonen and superhero genres. It mimics them with stunning precision.\r\n\r\nOverpowered protagonist? Check. \r\nLike Superman on steroids. One! Punch!\r\n\r\nNo plot worth mentioning? Check. \r\nThe overall plot is uneventful to say the least, and the show is mostly episodic. Even within each episode there is little meaningful moral conflict or development. It\'s good vs evil for the blandest reasons, and none of it matters in the long run. There are plenty of fight scenes though.\r\n\r\nBland throwaway characters? Check. \r\nMost of the cast is a collection of one-shot nobodies with barely any screentime. The villains are a revolving\n ...\n door of bland bad guys ready to get punched to pieces. The heroes get maybe a few minutes if they are lucky. The motives of the characters are so generic that when they are holding their usual speeches even the protagonist Saitama is disinterested. The few recurring characters don\'t fare much better. Saitama was actually bored of his own sidekick\'s backstory.\r\n\r\nLimited joke repertoire? Check. \r\nOne! Punch!\r\nActually, that\'s not quite fair. There are a few other ones:\r\n- The Hero Association is a bunch of faceless bureaucrats who do more sitting in meetings than helping people.\r\n- The repetitive nature of the show is itself a joke. Just make sure you\'re sitting comfortably because it\'s a long one.\r\n\r\nMindnumbingly repetitive? Check. \r\nOnce you have figured out the formula, expect more of the same:\r\n1. Random villain of the week appears and explains his backstory. Evilutionary scientist, alien overlord, king of the lizard people, whatever.\r\n2. Saitama\'s sidekick Genos or some other heroes get thrown around.\r\n3. Saitama appears and there\'s a punch.\r\n4. Tune in next week. Same bat-time, same bat-channel.\r\n\r\nToo many episodes for the plot? Check... somewhat.\r\nBut to fully parodize this there should have been at least a hundred. Future seasons may be able to fix this. All aboard the hype train.\r\n\r\n\r\nSo all is well, then? Well, yes, if you don\'t mind ending up as bored as Saitama himself. One Punch Man has taken mimicry to the point where it suffers from the same tedium as its targets. From fight scene to fight scene, from generic villain to generic villain, it has captured the formulaic nature of shonen and superhero shows and become just as formulaic.\r\n\r\nThe show accurately portrays how Saitama\'s existential angst and disillusionment with society have turned into apathy, and it inspires the same in the viewer. After a while, watching this show starts feeling meaningless.
9 years agoGoddamn, last season was heavy on the shonen/superhero stuff, wasn\'t it? Seraph of the End: Battle in Nagoya. Ushio and Tora. Noragami Aragoto. And of course, the most popular one of them all, One Punch Man. It\'s going to be difficult to find something new to say about each of them, but lord knows I\'m going to try my damndest to do so. Might as well start with the one that got everyone\'s attention, even if not for all the right reasons. I mean it\'s a giant understatement to say that I wasn\'t the only one who watched One Punch Man, but it\'s also a\n ...\n big understatement to say that I wasn\'t the only one who wasn\'t impressed with the thing.\r\n\r\nIt\'s even worse in my case, because I don\'t get shonen action as substance at all. I don\'t hate it, and there was a time when I enjoyed pretty much everything that came out of Shonen Jump\'s mouth the same way I enjoyed Marvel v. Capcom, but you\'d think the genre would grow up along with the audience and focus more on substance rather than repeat the same outdated Dragonball Z-style over and over again because holy hell did we not get sick of that ten years ago. But with the explosive popularity of One Punch Man along with David Production continuing to make more bloody adaptations of Jojo, I think it\'s pretty clear that that isn\'t going to happen anytime soon. So who cares if the plot is weak? Who cares if the satire goes for all the easy shots? Who cares if the characters don\'t have any real struggles or flaws or story or anything going for them besides how they look and a stupid name? It\'s a popcorn anime, and it\'s very good at what it does.\r\n\r\nExcept even by the standards of popcorn anime, I\'m not sure it does. I mean you have the director of Space Dandy and the production values from Madhouse on this project, so obviously you\'re going to get a great-looking show. With that said, why is the action so fucking bad? Every time it showed up, the camera would spin around or zoom far-out whilst characters threw massive explosions at each other or delivered a punch in a desperate attempt to make it look cool when in reality, it looks overblown and retarded. There is absolutely no choreography being applied to any of the action and it becomes really boring to watch as a result. And even if there was, it is an absolute cakewalk to determine who\'s going to win the fight before it even starts because the whole show is built around Saitama saving the day in his own dry way with nobody in the entire universe being close to his level in terms of fighting prowess. Add in the fact that nobody really dies in this show anyways but the one-off characters who have less charisma than a Marvel villain and there\'s a limit to how much tension One Punch Man is allowed to have in regards to its fight scenes (i.e. zero).\r\n\r\nNot helping is the fact that Saitama is an incredibly boring character who has no depth to him besides one joke: he\'s a normal dude who became the strongest in the world by training really hard and is bored with his life as a result. Every other hero in this show became powerful through genetics or body modification, and as such don\'t believe Saitama when he says that he just worked hard, nor do they trust him because thanks to his lack of brains, he\'s lowly ranked in the Hero Association. This could have made for some interesting conflict, but One Punch Man never really treats Saitama\'s invincibility as anymore than a cheap joke or a deus ex machina trying to be a cheap joke, no thanks to the other heroes having zero chemistry with the dude and making DC\'s good guys look like Marvel\'s. Aside from a cyborg whose only real purpose in life is to lose so that Saitama can have someone to save, I can\'t recall a single time he\'s ever had a real conversation with anybody. Hell, I\'m pretty sure Genos has had more overall screen time than him.\r\n\r\nAnd don\'t even get me started on the villains in this thing, who make Marvel\'s bad guys look like DC\'s. I can\'t even remember anyone\'s name, let alone what they added to anything. There was some attempt at making the final bad guy an 'invincible contrast' to Saitama, but it was so poorly handled it made the relationship between Spiderman and Green Goblin look like Batman and The Joker - and I still didn\'t bother to remember the dude\'s name afterwards. Word of advice to anyone creating a bad guy: Marvel\'s villains are absolutely awful! Nothing but a bunch of random animal or element gimmicks applied to some misguided fool trying to overcompensate for the fact that Mad Hatter has them beat in the character department. But you know what\'s worse than that? Actual animal or element gimmicks fully realized in physical form, without even an attempt to make them realized as actual characters.\r\n\r\nAll of which could have been forgiven if the show was funny, as One Punch Man is supposed to be a comedic satire on the shonen action/superhero genre. Thing is, the show only has one joke (Saitama being Saitama) and said joke never made me laugh. Not once. Which would already have been a giant problem by itself, but the fact that the satire sucks too does it no favors. And not just because it goes for all the easy shots, but said shots are even misaimed a few times. There\'s one moment in the show where Saitama makes himself out to be the bad guy in order to save face for the other heroes due to some random jackass who apparently never appreciates anything in his life, but it falls incredibly flat because it\'s incredibly obvious it was done so that the show can repeat its one joke. Not one single person was buying the jackass\'s bullshit, so there was no reason for Saitama to do that, especially since it\'s never brought up again afterwards. It\'s an extreme, but by no means the only part of the show where it\'s clear the writers have no ambition for this show beyond taking cheap potshots at a genre that has been satirized so well in the past.\r\n\r\nLet me make it clear that One Punch Man is by no stretch of the word 'bad'. It knows what it wants to be and does it well, even if it wants to be is nothing higher than mediocre at best. Because if we\'re judging it in comparison to the rest of the shonen/superhero anime that aired in Fall, One Punch Man is the worst of the shonen action anime that I have seen. Good visuals can only take you so far, and whilst I commend Madhouse for keeping the quality high for most of its run, thirteen episodes is a long time to watch something that has little to no substance. Hell, the specials don\'t have anything noteworthy about them visual-wise, leaving you with nothing at all.\r\n\r\nMy advice to you guys? Watch Concrete Revolutio instead. And no, I\'m not going to stop sucking Concrete Revolutio\'s dick until more people admit they were wrong to abandon it for the much weaker Sunday superhero show.
9 years agoAfter finishing this show I have concluded that it certainly lives up to its name. Oh no no, not the majority opinion of it, silly goose, I mean the actual show title, “One Punch Man,” because this show genuinely does only have ONE joke, and it gets old very, very fast.\r\n\r\nEverything you need to know or possibly can know about this anime is in its title. The main character defeats every villain in one punch, but what else? That can’t possibly be it, can it? Well… for all intents and purposes, the show is indeed branded as a parody. But in order for us to\n ...\n see how successful it is at doing so, let me give you the definition of a “parody.” \r\n\r\nParody; /noun/ “an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect”\r\n\r\nLet’s also look at its synonyms.\r\n\r\nmockery, ridicule, satire. Oh there we go, that’s the word. Satire. A satire, and I quote, is the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize a specific “thing,” be it person, place, concept, story, or what-have you. In the case with One Punch Man, the satirical parody is criticizing the Superhero/Shonen genre/demographic and its over the top, predictable nature. Or at least, it would be if it weren’t so incredibly inept at doing so. \r\n\r\nOne Punch Man’s humorous scenes are so incredibly few and far between (not to mention hit or miss altogether) that the whole show feels more like a comedic action shonen rather than a parody of one. Does it have its funny moments? Sure, but not enough to constitute it as a successful satire, let alone being an actual criticism of something. All it does is fall into the exact same pitfalls of a regular long-running Shonen manga or Marvel comic, and doesn’t present any kind of commentary or criticism (humorous or not) to anything at all. With a team of mere monkeys, it can be boiled down to a very simple, boring formula.\r\n\r\n1.\tA threat is present to (insert city here)\r\n2.\tSaitama (our hero) arrives and spends 5 to 10 minutes dicking off\r\n3.\tSaitama defeats the antagonist with ONE-U PAUNCH-U!!!\r\n4.\tRinse and repeat for next week\r\n\r\nSo now that we see there is no actual criticism, there’s absolutely no tension in this anime either. While the fight scenes are gorgeously animated (By Madhouse, king of all studios) there’s not much to think or feel when watching one. Sure, there are a lot of pretty colors and explosions and things being destroyed, but do you know what else has that? Transformers. Does Transformers have an engaging plot, or a worthwhile satirical aspect to it? No. Does One Punch Man? No. \r\n\r\nAnd as far as disgustingly overpowered, boring protagonists go, Saitama isn’t nearly as insufferable as Kirito but he’s not far off the beaten path. He’s bored with his power to defeat anything in one punch, but who blames him? What kind of life is interesting if you have to work at nothing, if there’s no challenge? What kind of show is interesting, if it doesn’t have any kind of identity or intelligence to it? We never even see Saitama’s training, or his trials and tribulations to becoming what he is now; we just get to see the aftermath! Endless rising action, I’m telling you! No climax whatsoever! \r\n\r\nAnd like every 12 episode anime, this show has a cast of heroes and villains that’s larger than Tom Cruise’s ego, and none of them get any kind of worthy screen time either. The closest we get to any kind of character development is the sidekick of Saitama, Genos. But whatever problem he’s in, whatever dilemma he faces, you can just let go of your worry and kick back, knowing Saitama will ONE PUNCH the FUCK out of whatever has him in its grasp. That just tears to shreds ANY semblance of development or changes that Genos could have gone through. \r\n\r\nIn short, the character development is thrown to the curb for running jokes, the humor is stale, the action is boring because it’s so predictable, and the entertainment value is comparable to that of staring at a door. You know its gonna open, and you know its gonna close. Because it’s a door. \r\n\r\n“But Keyboard!” I hear one obligatory reader say aloud, “That’s the point! He defeats everything in One Punch!”\r\n\r\nTell me how that’s entertaining, because I don’t see it. Every episode is literally, and I’m not kidding here, LITERALLY, the exact. same. thing. Imagine watching Superman Returns on repeat, with a little tiny bit of the same SNL skit hiding in the background. Twelve times in a row. That’s not entertaining. \r\n\r\nBut if you liked it, good for you. I have nothing against you, I’m glad you’re able to find enjoyment in something my cynical ass mind couldn’t, and I’m being honest when I say that if this show had a little to no following at all, my reaction would be the same, so don’t come to me screaming and hollering about me hating on it because it got popular. I don’t hate popular things, especially when my favorite anime is the highest fucking rated entry on the site. I instead choose to look at what it proposes regardless of its reputation. So, in a TL;DR summary, here is what I found in doing so-\r\n\r\nPROS:\r\n-\tGorgeous animation\r\n-\tSolid soundtrack\r\n-\tMakes you really appreciate the good stuff out there\r\nMIXED:\r\n-\tComedy is hit-or-miss\r\nCONS:\r\n-\tBoring, repetitive, and stagnant premise\r\n-\tPredictability is through the roof\r\n-\tFails at being a parody because of its hit-or-miss comedy and lack of satirical commentary on what its supposed to be a parody of\r\n-\tNot enough comedy altogether \r\n-\tOne note side characters, one note villains, one note protagonist. \r\n-\tTitle gives everything away\r\n\r\n3/10. As of yet, One Punch Man has plenty of time to redeem itself. A second season with a little more improvement on its intention and it could be something really great.\r\n\r\nBut for now, I recommend watching the door. At least that actually took some ingenuity.
9 years agoJesus christ, calm the fuck down. It\'s a pretty good anime. It is neither the greatest nor the worst thing to ever be produced, contrary to how most people seem to be treating it.\r\n\r\nIt\'s a shame that such a disclaimer is necessary, but there really only seem to be two kinds of people when it comes to One Punch Man - those who consider it a cancer on the anime industry, and those who worship it as though it were the second coming. And while, in all honesty, this would probably not be as hyped as it is if it weren\'t the only thing coming\n ...\n out at the time worth being hyped over, it\'s a lot closer to the latter than the former.\r\n\r\nOf course, there was always going to be a divide with this show, because it\'s a comedy series that doesn\'t really have many jokes in it. Much of the humour of One Punch Man is achieved through tone and through juxtaposition, and that\'s not something that works for everyone.\r\n\r\nOne of the best methods of humour comes from the unexpected - juxtaposition between what you\'d expect to happen, and what does. One Punch Man uses this to great effect, by building up a fictional universe in which everything takes itself completely seriously with the same dramatic stakes that would apply to any battle shonen anime, totally unaware that absolutely everything they believe to be true, and which they take so seriously, is completely and utterly meaningless, because Saitama makes the entire setting redundant. It\'s a hilarious farce that forms the core of the show.\r\n\r\nIn fact, Saitama is the perfect protagonist for a show like this. His inability to read the mood, lack of concern for any of the extremely threatening Eldritch Horrors that attack him, and his nonchalance towards... well, everything, make a great setup for the contrast of tone between over-the-top badassery and comedy that this show runs on.\r\n\r\nThe rest of what makes this show work is that it\'s actually pretty good as the action series it\'s making fun of. While it is impossible to take seriously, it\'s still hard to not be impressed by how well-drected and inventive the fight scenes are. The animators have really outdone themselves here - in particular, the way they show off some of Saitama\'s most ridiculously overpowered attacks are impressive.\r\n\r\nThe downside, however, is that sometimes the show takes itself too seriously - in particular, during the mid-to-late episodes. While the balance between action and comedy is usually well maintained, it suffers when it skews more towards action. Also, OPM is often accused of being repetitive, and this isn\'t entirely unfounded - again, the show doesn\'t really rely on jokes for its humour, and instead goes for tone-based humour, so this is not as much of a problem as it would be for a show that was specifically focused on gags. But it repeatedly uses anticlimaxes as the source of its humour, and while there is plenty of variation in the execution of them, it can still feel like the same thing over and over, and this may be a dealbreaker for some people.\r\n\r\nAt the end of the day, though, One Punch Man delivers a unique brand of comedy, and is extremely well-presented. Even at its worst point, it\'s an average action series, and it\'s best, it\'s a fantastic farcical comedy.\r\n\r\nFinal Words: Not actually the greatest thing ever made. Still well worth watching.\r\n\r\nStory/Plot: 5/10\r\nCharacters: 7/10\r\nAnimation/Art: 10/10\r\nMusic: 7/10\r\nActing: 8/10\r\n\r\nOverall: 8/10\r\n\r\nFor Fans Of: Samurai Flamenco, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
9 years agoWhen it comes to satires and parodies alike, there really isn\'t any sort of arithmetic equation or analytical evaluation needed to determine its value. To put it as simply, it all boils down to a rudimentary question: were you kept amused and were you entertained? \r\nIf you said 'no' then that\'s fine, there really isn\'t any need to justify that answer any further, same also applies if you had said 'yes.' You see, shows geared to keep you amused are that simple, the same way disliking or liking a specific genre of music doesn\'t inherently determine its worth to the next person to listen to\n ...\n it. Of course, there are many different brands of comedies out there, some sub-genres of which can be measured by its degree of writing and comedic timing, but this should also come with the understanding that within the marginalizing of 'comedy' as a genre, there are also room for low-brow humor that relies entirely on dick jokes and crass observations. I say all this to make this point, comedy, like music and other forms of interests that determine an individual\'s taste, is at essence, a subjective thing. And when something\'s worth is dependent entirely on whether someone is amused/entertained or not, it\'s automatically a magnet for contention. For everyone that finds a joke funny, there will be those that stand in opposition.\r\n\r\nOne Punch Man is a joke that\'s rather predictable and repetitive if you only care for the punchline but at the same time, a great deal more satisfying if you\'re keen to the subject matter that\'s following up to its inevitable destination. In a way, it\'s an inside joke among friends, just done so for everyone else to hear. It isn\'t trying to hide it, there\'s no workaround into deciphering any deep seeded message. What you see is precisely what you get. One Punch Man is a lineage carried over from super sentai/superhero/shounen stories that took a look at itself in the mirror and came to a simple conclusion; that conclusion being that super sentai/superhero/shounen shows are hilarious. \r\n\r\nNo really, think about it for a second. It\'s a form of storytelling that was forged from the need to give moral messages by embodying everything in basic 'black or white' terms, where you either stand for good or evil. What makes it funny is that these absurd stories are often played straight with no witticism or awareness of its laughable morality message whatsoever. It\'s a stone-faced, Bible thumping message on morality that\'s delivered to its audience by grown men and women wearing brightly colored spandex. It\'s the kind of irony that\'s only feasible within the realm of fiction, but hilarious in real life when examined. Of course, the inherent silliness of superhero stories have given rise to many satirical outlooks on the subject matter, but for the most part, those aimed more so to poke fun of that form of storytelling, rather than laughing along with it. But every now and then we get a show that isn\'t out to sully the impact of the subject matter being satirized, instead, it embraces it to its full extent. Rather than teetering between comical nonsense and serious commentary, it decides why to bother holding up that facade, to begin with. It\'s a show that comes to the conclusion that if you\'re going to be bat shit crazy, you might as well go all the way.\r\n\r\nLadies and gentlemen this long winded intro is written for the sole purpose of introducing an anime that does just that, One Punch Man. Not only is it aware of the utter nonsense that populates the super sentai/superhero landscape, but it figures that there\'s no point in trying to deny it. It\'s a show that revels in the stupidity with no shame or care for onlookers. It\'s an anime that\'s comfortable in its spandex suit and flaunts it for all to see. It\'s a joke that tells you to put away the analytical scrutiny, loosen up your thinking cap, and just come along for the good ole dumb ride that\'s about to take place. \r\n\r\nAs I\'ve already previously stated, your individualistic feelings for the show is the deciding factor on its inherent value. So with that being said, this review is written from the point of view of someone who, for the most part, found the journey with OPM to be satisfactory. Whether you disagree with this statement or not isn\'t important. I\'m not here to tell you OPM is great, and I\'m not here to tell you it\'s anything deeper than what it is; rather, I\'m here to explain what kinks OPM managed to properly iron out, and where I as a viewer found noticeable bumps on the journey.\r\n\r\nWhile OPM provided a great deal of entertainment, it also had its fair share of issues that detracted from the overall experience. For one, if this anime was created with less effort on the part of the studio (Madhouse) with its audiovisuals, there would be little to credit it for otherwise. The driving force behind OPM is how pristine and well-oiled it looks and feels as a product. This is an anime that relies heavily on the platform of storytelling it is using. This is an anime that works so well because it IS an anime. It\'s the sense of scale behind every action being taken by our characters. The impact and fluidity of every animated movement. The hyper-detail behind every intricately choreographed action set-piece and moments of high-octane clashes. The flurry of saturated color that follows every frame. The elastic expressions of the personalities in motion. This is an anime that takes full advantage of its medium, and had it been a show that coasted along to a by-the-numbers checklist, there wouldn\'t be any need to discuss it at all. This was a passion project brought to life in spectacular fashion. Everything from the traditional heavy metal guitar riffs in the background, to the highly detailed shading of the character designs, makes this feel like more than an assembly line production simply made for profit, it became a work of passion.\r\n\r\nIt stands to reason that the audiovisual presentation and aesthetic appeal was what propelled this show to instant stardom. So the question remains, why is it so aggressively detested by others?\r\n\r\nIf you\'ve seen the arguments from detractors of the show, you\'ve undoubtedly caught wind of the 'One Joke Man' mantra, and to be quite honest, that isn\'t a bad assessment of the show in a nutshell. Saitama, our lead character and resident impersonator of Mr. Clean, is a man that has grown bored of his acquired strength in pursuit to become a superhero. For reasons vaguely explained, he has reached a point where he can obliterate his foes in one punch. And if you were expecting a 'but' at the end of that sentence, don\'t hold your breath, this is the joke. It\'s like the climatic end to a battle shounen, where our main character goes through his training arc and defeats the antagonist, after he hit his ultimate form of over-powered potential... but instead of simply ending the story there, we\'re given an extended 'what if' prologue that asks the question: what happens after the final conflict is over, after our hero reaches the apex of the beat \'em up food chain?\r\n\r\nAnd from that question emerges this product; this joke. And while there is an overarching story unfolding in the background, it\'s the joke that takes precedence and placed on center-stage for our amusement. And it\'s this joke that creates the split among those who adore the show and those that carry around the 'One Joke Man' picket sign in protest to its popularity. As trivial of an argument it may seem, this comedic gag is the reason for the rift among anime viewers, which has become a joke within itself (super meta shit). \r\n\r\nThere are two main parts to the overarching story: one of which involves Saitama and his ironic post-climb to the top of a superhero organization to gain recognition, while also trying to fulfill his excessive need to seek out an enemy that can finally put up a challenge. And the other subplot revolves around his apprentice and eventual friend, Genos, who\'s goal can be seen as the stereotypical hero story of vengeance. And while both stories are played straight, it\'s the awareness the show has for its content which lets everyone in on the joke, and also what makes the parody of the subject matter both amusing, and in a weird way, self-indulgent. While the show follows these narratives in a fashion expected, it does so with a constant sense of witticism and deliberate elbow nudging. This, as a result, can lead to scenes where expository dialogue is given, while our lead is trying to dismiss it, the equivalent of which is like the character breaking the fourth wall and looking into the camera saying 'isn\'t this shit boring? I wish he would shut up already!' It\'s these moments that make what can be seen as a fairly common story, into one that\'s not only fun to follow, but also something like brownie points for the viewer that are keen to the observations. It\'s an anime that actively interacts with the expectation of the audience watching it. And while these moments still play second-fiddle to the constant beat \'em up action on screen, it\'s those moments that give OPM its sense of identity. \r\n\r\nSpeaking of the beat \'em up action, OPM effectively nails this aspect down without much debate. While the satirical moments sprinkled throughout shines in its own way, it\'s the fight scenes that elevates this title to a growing household name. It\'s the fuel behind the hype if you will. And while that may be a superficial reason to bolster its value, it\'s still a viable reason for the sake of consumable entertainment. One of its primary genres is action after all, and when it comes to action, very few shows can stand as competition to the consistent level of quality encapsulated in OPM.\r\n\r\nThe characters of OPM are just that, characters. You\'re not looking at them for any profound message or character depth, rather it\'s the eccentricity of the personalities themselves that works. From the typical hero of justice stereotypes found in characters like Genos and Mumen Rider, to the more obvious satirized ones like Amai Mask and Metal Bat. It\'s comic book personalities brought to life and set loose, all for the sole purpose of wacky antics and populating the setting with a garden variety of personas. The villains can range from the ultra-silly like a lobsterman wearing underwear (similar to something found in the likes of super sentai works), to the more maniacal dimensionless baddie who\'s sole purpose in life is to fight strong opponents (similar to that of most battle shounens). It\'s this variety of Saturday morning cartoon level characters that keep things fresh. And with the over-exaggerated character designs, it becomes even more elevated than what would typically be seen from this kind of show. \r\nAlthough, this, as a result, creates the most shallow cast imaginable, and while they\'re still endearing in the already goofy backdrop they\'re placed in, they\'re not in any way new to what would come out of this brand of storytelling. The more you buy into the comedic outlook the show presents everything in, the easier it is to buy into their placement in the story.\r\n\r\nThis, of course, leads to one of the more noticeable problems the show can\'t seem to get a grasp on, and that\'s that nothing it does can be taken seriously. The show goes out of its way to paint everything in clown makeup, so when it does try to take things down a more serious route the final result is more of an apathetic shrug and resounding 'who cares,' than anything you can deem potent. This isn\'t to say that those more serious moments don\'t hold meaning, but that in the context of a parody that has been doing nothing but laughing along with the audience, the moments are simply unwarranted. It\'s like if a stoner comedy stopped everything dead in its tracks to present a D.A.R.E speech against the use of drugs. Thankfully these moments aren\'t ever-present throughout the show\'s run-time. \r\n\r\nAnother issue that many might have with OPM is quite obviously the joke itself. Being that it\'s a repetitive comedic gag, many might find the novelty of the gag to have less impact as the show goes on. This, of course, is a reasonable concern, since variety is what keeps long-running sitcoms and comedies on the air. The show attempts to alleviate that concern with the involvement of characters like Genos, who serves as the duality to Saitama\'s placement in the story. \r\nAnd then there\'s Saitama himself, who is a deadpan protagonist for a majority of the show\'s run-time. Those unfamiliar or simply indifferent to deadpan humor will of course not find anything in Saitama, making him uninteresting to most, and rightfully so. And like the concern of the run-on joke losing its luster, the myriad of other wacky characters introduced are the show\'s defense to keep the attentiveness of those who simply can\'t be bothered with the uncaring and often cynical outlook Saitama is given. This isn\'t a case where the lead is a blank slate, but rather he\'s a character that should have already been done with his arc and involvement in the story. This is the follow up to where a typical hero story should have ended, the downward spiral of a man who has already achieved all that there is to do in his given universe. Which of course is the point of this prolog inspired series, but like I\'ve already stated, the inherent value of OPM rests with the viewer\'s taste in comedy, so this problem may not even register at all to a lot of people.\r\n\r\nBut despite these indeterminate shortcomings, the show still manages to do enough to keep itself together. Because it\'s so self-aware, a great deal of these issues is often made to be null and void. It\'s hard to dissect a show that is so honest about what it is. This doesn\'t wash away the issues it may have, but it certainly makes it more palatable to a consumer that isn\'t necessarily concerned about it.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment: 9/10\r\n\r\nI can go on and on about what the show had working against it, but at the end of the day, I walked away with a title that constantly kept me entertained. The fights were great fun, the animation was handled with care, the OST was kickass, the satirical jabs kept me cackling, and above all else, I was more than satisfied as a viewer and fellow enthusiast of anime. Sure the run-on gag lost steam at times, and yes the plot wasn\'t always engaging, but as far as enjoyment is concerned, OPM scratched an itch that previously only Jojo of the same year was able to.\r\n\r\nOverall: 7/10\r\n\r\nIs One Punch Man over-hyped? Yes, it certainly is. But does that make it inherently bad? No, it doesn\'t. While it may be blown out of proportion due to the fact that its contemporaries are of less than stellar quality, there are still merits to the appraisal it receives. It isn\'t a title that will break new ground anytime soon, and partially, it\'s a Frankenstein who\'s existence can be credited with the recent high demand for superhero stories in pop culture. But as an action-comedy that\'s out to simply have fun and revel in the absurdity of its story, One Punch Man is a show that can keep even the most jaded of audiences entertained, and if only for that aspect alone, I think it\'s worth trying out.
9 years ago(First Impression)\r\n'A superhero who can beat any villain in one punch? \r\nthis is going to get really old really fast..' \r\n\r\n(Episodes Later)\r\n'I\'m feeling the hype'\r\n*At this point I\'m hooked watching episodes the day they release*\r\n\r\n(After Season Finale)\r\n*Searching google for Season 2 release date*\r\n ...\n 'I have a strange desire to shave my head bald'\r\n\r\nThe show has extremely simple plot; yet they managed to stretch it throughout 12 episodes in a way that you question life, learn lessons and respect a bald guy who isn\'t your grandfather. \r\n\r\nFight scenes contain fantastic animation quality and themes that vary from comical to epic. I didn\'t like the opening song at first but after a couple episodes it\'s catchy so I stopped skipping it. Disliked the ending song but I think that\'s mostly because it made me realize I have to wait a whole week for another episode.\r\n\r\nCharacters introduced don\'t get tossed into an abyss after one episode.\r\n In fact, the writing for side characters are so good that a guy who rides a bicycle as a super power managed to make me shed a tear.
9 years agoEvery year there is at least one particular show that receives massive coverage for whatever reason.In 2015, without a question was One Punch Man\'s year in the spotlight and for good reason; the initial premise of One Punch seemed to be a goldmine, for it was thought to be a clever,satiristic view of the shonen and action anime that has been dominate since the last decade. \r\nSo then, with roses thrown before the curtain is raised, does One Punch Man live up to its potential ? Without even a sigh, no would be the answer. \r\nThe biggest flaws that Opm suffers from are the counter\n ...\n productive characterizations, and repetitive wall paint humor gags. \r\nThe show\'s content is mainly derived from Saitama and Genos fighting new villains each episodes which is axiomatically plain itself , so the show has to induce humor to make things interesting but fails to do so because the show keeps using the same joke over and over again . Speaking of Saitama and Genos, Saitama is arguably the weaker of the two because his apathetic nature makes him too static for the audience to actually care about him;Thankfully, Genos proves to be a better character because of the mystery and passion floating in his background;However, and ironically so, the most enjoyable character was one of the other heroes, Tornado; her Asuka-esque attitude and powers made her a much more attractive personality, yet we never got much from her. The action that does take place is rather vivid in fluid , thus, making the show enjoyable in that respect; the animation is nice polished as well. \r\n\r\nAt the end of the day, One Punch Man fails to do many things right but not in the extreme sense.While, It is shame that it could fulfill its potential at least it\'s watchable and could be considered entertaining if nothing else is on.
9 years agoGoing back to One Punch Man, I really thought of something. Something that can make or break this show to several of its viewers. And that\'s the joke. The one prominent singular joke. \r\n\r\nI\'m not saying this is going to be a completely balanced review. And most of you might get upset over that fact, and even start to hate me for it too. And I can understand why. I would hate it if someone didn\'t provide both sides to the argument for my favorite show, but keep in mind that I am not authoritative force, and I cannot dictate how or what you should\n ...\n think. For all you know, you might just stumble a 4 paragraph post by me describing how shoving hotdogs up your ass is actually a good thing. But I\'m hoping that maybe next time you go to the grill, you can ponder on what you\'re going to do with that hotdog. Or maybe you still won\'t do that, but you\'ll at least know why some people might like sticking hotdogs up their ass. But anyways, let\'s get on with this review.\r\n\r\nOne Punch Man has got to be one of the most commonly talked about show I\'ve seen this year, even impacting the smash community when one of the smash player\'s shaved their beard and started using Ryu. In all honesty, how many shows can you say do that? But does this fulfill the hype, and is this the savior of anime?\r\n\r\nIf you are like me, and expected One Punch Man to be a satire, then you will be disappointed. Rather than making fun of its tropes directly, One Punch Man parodies it instead by over-exaggerating them to the point where it becomes funny. Is that a bad thing? Not necessarily, but there are problems with that. With the already ridiculous start of the series, it makes it hard to enjoy the jokes when they are virtually indistinguishable. You can\'t top off something so exaggerated, similar to how you can\'t top off beating an enemy with a single punch. Because of this, as the series went on, the joke lost its charm as it wasn\'t special anymore. After seeing a couple of episodes, you know what to expect from it, which really damaged the comedy effect. And yes, the final episodes did stray away from that, but even that was just a elongated scene of what was soon going to happen. If you really look at it, it was just Saitama getting beaten up with a variety of attacks.\r\n\r\nThe problem of One Punch Man getting repetitive may seem like a small thing, but in fact, it really isn\'t. When a comedy starts to get unappealing, there isn\'t much that can save that. The parody is all that One Punch Man seemed to offer, and if you don\'t like that, than you definitely won\'t like the show. \r\n\r\nNear the end, it was hinted that the focus will eventually shift from the parody aspect to the side characters, something that would benefit the series as the more 'Slice of Life' aspects where the strong suit of One Punch Man, but for now, the first season is all we got.\r\n\r\nYou could say that being repetitive and anticlimactic is the point of One Punch Man, and it in itself is actually also parodying the repetitive nature of most action shows, but I disagree. There should be something that would want to make the watcher come back for more. Your daily life as a human being isn\'t characterized by the same exact thing each time. Maybe the steps building up to \'the punchline\' are different, or maybe you don\'t exactly engage with \'the punchline\' each time. The moment in this case is the same exact thing, with the only differences being how the villains look or where the fight is taking place. What kind of show is engaging, but doesn\'t have an engaging story? Even if that was the point, how is it fun to watch the same thing 12 times?\r\n\r\nIf you enjoyed the parody aspect of it, then the repetitiveness of the joke shouldn\'t be a problem for you, but if you wanted a bit more than just that, then you won\'t be getting that from One Punch Man.\r\n\r\nIf anyone tells you that the animation of One Punch Man is bad, then they\'re just trying to shit on the show for the sake of shitting on the show. Though inconsistent at times, the show looked amazing when it called for a fight scene, and average at least when it called for a more Slice of Life moment.\r\n\r\nThe music did a good job in making you hyped and excited for each fight and episodes. It\'s not something I could see anyone listening outside from this anime, but it\'s good nevertheless in enhancing the show.\r\n\r\nThere isn\'t much to say in such a simple show like this. I\'ll ask once again if it wasn\'t clear the first 100 times. Did you like the joke, or did you not? After you found that out, you\'ll know what to do.
9 years agoAlthough one of the most influential and important superheroes of all time, Superman kind of sucks as a character. He has a bland personality. He\'s OP as fuck and defeats virtually any threats with little difficulty. He is a moral paragon and for over 80 years has fought for good and punished evil in a Manichean and childish style. This offers his character very little in terms of internal conflict or psychological development. He has no weaknesses to overcome, no need to improve, and never faces challenges that make the reader feel worried that he could possibly lose. Even IF he somehow loses once every\n ...\n 40 years, the writers will create some fucking bullshit like a 'healing coma' to explain that he didn\'t really lose.\r\n\r\nWhat if you took a HUGE animation budget and gave it to an anime almost solely devoted to bashing Superman? You would get One Punch Man! If you are a true weaboo and have no familiarity with American comics like Superman...just imagine if Inferno Cop had a lovechild with Dr. Slump and that child had an ungodly high production budget. That\'s basically what this is.\r\n\r\nPlot:\r\n\r\nThe eponymous One Punch Man is an incredibly lame and OP costumed hero who effortlessly defeats random opponents on a daily basis. These fights almost always result in absurdly high casualties and destruction, but this is just hand-waved and forgotten, much like the movie Man of Steel. One Punch Man is quickly joined by a spoof of Iron Man and fights a spoof of The Rhino from Spiderman, who randomly transforms into Eva Unit 1 for...reasons. This is all in just the first few episodes! OPM even jumps the shark by episode 3 or 4 and references the MUDA MUDA MUDA meme from JoJo. I just pray they have the restraint to NOT make a John Cena joke! OPM basically has no plot, but when you are a spoof series that doesn\'t take itself seriously, you really don\'t need a plot. Did Apocalypse Zero have a plot? No. It just made fun of Hokuto no Ken, Super Sentai, and Kamen Rider. That\'s it!\r\n\r\nHumor:\r\n\r\nI mentioned previously that OPM has a lot of superhero spoofing and geek referential humor, but that doesn\'t really capture the full picture. OPM has that style of REALLY stupid and immature humor that is entirely self-aware and revels in its own stupidity. I mentioned earlier the likes of Inferno Cop and Dr. Slump, which you should definitely check out if you enjoyed OPM. However, OPM has its own distinct tastes. It isn\'t quite as stoner centered in its comedy as Inferno Cop, which basically just wanted to be the anime version of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. While OPM shares its 4th wall breaking, playful stupidity, and even its strong hatred of Superman with Dr. Slump, it isn\'t as pun filled and there isn\'t as much sex humor. This is a somewhat unique brand of stupidity that you simply have to assess for yourself.\r\n\r\nArt: \r\n\r\nWhat is the main thing that makes One Punch Man different from all the other shows I\'ve compared it to? One Punch Man is animated by Studio Madhouse and they are actually using their full efforts to make this silly spoof as aesthetically pleasing as possible! The animation is fluid, the character models look funny, the blood is heavily stylized, yet done in a way that instantly invokes laughter. Visually, OPM is actually pretty damn good!\r\n\r\nOverall:\r\n\r\nOPM is the most hyped anime of this year by FAR. Is it actually as good as everyone is saying? No it isn\'t, but at least it IS pretty funny and enjoyable. Considering the hype train was fueled by the same anime threads that backed the likes of Nichijou and Food Wars, this was actually above expectations. I can say I honestly laughed quite a few times and enjoyed myself. By some miracle, this isn\'t one of the plethora of absurdly overhyped anime out there with a fandom of hipster douchebags who like it 'ironically'. I\'m looking at you Stardust Crusaders! If you haven\'t seen One Punch Man, I would definitely recommend checking it out!
9 years agoWith One-Punch Man finished airing, there is one thing anyone can agree on, and that is how split the community is about the show: there are people who absolutely love it, considering it the pinnacle of their experience, and others that consider it to be very bland and boring, with terrible humour. Now the question is whether these opinions on the show are justified or not, and naturally it is, on both sides. Is One-Punch Man overrated? Yes, it is. But is it mediocre, bad? No, in my opinion it is not, it\'s an enjoyable anime with fantastic animation and action.\r\n\r\n~Story~\r\n\r\nThe premise of One-Punch Man\n ...\n is simple, Saitama being a superhero so overpowered, that he is capable of defeating any type of villain in one single punch. Bored with the fights, he trudges through life indifferent to any major problems regarding his environment, such as monsters attacking the city, concerned mainly with the household such as his shopping list or vandalism. This doesn\'t mean that there is any lack of action at all; in fact it is one of its main focus, which is fun to watch. This leads to another problem: the fights are tensionless on its own, as it is very predictable what the outcome will be, which is partially adressed with comedic elements. The good thing is that the anime is self-aware of its stupidity,being quite unpredictable at times, which makes it in turn an enjoyable watch.\r\n\r\nOther focal point of the anime is the humor, as One-Punch Man makes a parody of the superheroes, which enhances the anime to keep the story fresh and enjoyable. Someone who dislikes superheroes might also dislike this show. These jokes are often mingled with Saitama\'s indifference, as well as the characters personalities. However, the humor seems to be the major issue with the audience. Yet I must mention that the humor gets old, and is not as well relayed to the viewers as it was in the manga. In fact, at times it can be rather lackluster. Nevertheless, the action scenes made up for it. Other thing to consider is the amount of destruction made by the superheroes, which could be seen as something hilarious, meaning they\'re quite useless when trying to preserve property and life.\r\n\r\nThere is also certain evolution of the story present; from focusing upon making a parody of defeating its foes in one hit, it makes a transition to have some sort of story attached to it, introducing challenges and ranks amongst the superheroes, invasion of super villains, you name it. This defeats somewhat the main purpose of the anime, as now it\'s basically a plotless, action heavy show. Some may also point out that the episodes seem stretched out longer than necessary. Nevertheless, audiences observe social critique as well in the anime, which could be compared with how society views celebrities. Superheroes represent these, people excepting them to be perfect, which is naturally not the case. The egoistic nature of humans are shown as well, in addition to blaming people for their own ailments, even though these tried to help out. People are prone to blame others for their own misdoings or doesn\'t go flawlessly.\r\n\r\n~Characters~\r\n\r\nThe characters in One-Punch Man are varied, yet very one-dimensional and stereotypical, which fits with the narrative and overall story that it is trying to convey. Saitama being an indifferent character to anything concerning him; then there is Genos, a cyborg with a straightforward personality who is Saitama\'s disciple. Naturally little to no character development takes place. The superheroes themselves are often of selfish nature, whose only objective is fame.\r\n\r\nThe cast of characters are diverse, both for the superheroes and villains: ninjas, cyborgs, aliens, martial artists, mad scientists and monsters are on the order of the day. The reasons behind villains actions are of course very bland and uninteresting, as it follows the stereotypes. Nonetheless, it must be mentioned that some of the comedic elements are greatly enhanced by these and their personalities, in addition to being somewhat interesting in some regards.\r\n\r\n~Animation and sound~\r\n\r\nThe animation quality of One-Punch Man is certainly top-notch, action scenes drawn fantastically and very fluid and diverse, what is to be expected of a Madhouse produced anime. There are some scenes in which some movements are bended a bit too much to my liking. The art style of the anime if appealing, yet nothing really out of the norm. Character designs for villains and superheroes are nevertheless diverse and very detailed, further enhancing the overall animation. In addition, backgrounds are well displayed as well. The animators managed to portray impressively the strengths of the superheroes with the diverse animations and camera angles.\r\n\r\nThe soundtrack used in One-Punch Man matched well with it, yet is nothing outstanding on its own. Voice actors performed their role well, in addition to matching with the personality of each character. The opening was quite an interesting watch, in addition to have a fitting music to it.\r\n\r\n~Enjoyment~\r\n\r\nOverall One-Punch Man was an enjoyable experience, yet experienced shortcomings storywise as well as in the comedy department. Nevertheless, the well executed action scenes alongside the top-notch animation quality, certainly makes it worth a watch on its own, yet is not suited for anyone who is in pursuit of a well crafted story alongside with good and diverse humour, as it can be a hit-and-miss for some.\r\n\r\nThank you for reading.
9 years agoOne Punch Man is a comedy/parody shounen anime. Unfortunately it fails as a parody and it fails as a shounen.\r\n\r\nThe Comedy:\r\nSaitama, the main protagonist, is really really strong, but he\'s also bored. He is so strong that he doesn\'t even get excited while fighting really strong opponents. That\'s the main joke of the anime, and if you don\'t like it, well, too bad, because it will be shoved down your throat every single episode. There\'s nothing much else to talk about him, it\'s basically all his personality. \r\n\r\nOutside of Saitama the humor is pretty much hit or miss. It\'s funny, because this is supposed to\n ...\n be a parody anime, but even then it takes itself wayyyy too seriously. Expect the typical epic/dramatic ost playing often, innocent people suffering and in danger, melodramatic speechs about justice, etc etc. After thorwing all that at you the main character, bored as always, will easily defeat the dangerous villain. OPM lives in a weird limbo between typical shounen and parody, it would probably be better if it decided what it wants to be.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Plot:\r\nThe anime is pretty much plotless. A random generic villain will appear, cause some ruckus, and be defetead by the bored bald protagonist every time. At some point a hero association appears, what about it? It serves to introduce new characters, and that\'s it. The association does nothing the whole anime, as far as the anime goes there\'s no conspiracy behind it or anything. The main character wants to go up in the association, but of course that doesn\'t matter one bit, it only serves to provide some more 'hilarious' jokes about how the main character is so strong and yet he is misunderstood by everybody. \r\n\r\nThere\'s nothing to keep you hooked and wanting more, wondering what will happen next. If, god forbid, a second season is made I pretty expect to be exactly the same thing as season 1: main protagonist is bored jokes and generic villains appearing, with pretty much nothing else. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSound:\r\nNothing much to talk about really. One or two tracks are good I guess, the rest is average. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nArt/Animation:\r\nThe art is bland and forgetble. The animation is good and fluid, but to be honest the fights itselves are not that good. Everything is so fast, it\'s difficult to see things clearly sometimes. Although this anime really is above average in this category, it seems like a child throwing a tauntrum to get your attention: there is very little variety in the fights (every character pretty much fights like a DBZ character), it is all completely predictable, but hey, it looks cool, and the camera spins really fast, and there is epic music, so it is good, right???\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nVeridict:\r\nOPM is all flash and no substance. It should mantain your attention for at least these 12 episodes, but that\'s it. It\'s just one more of those anime who pander the lowest common denominator. If you are expecting something truly interesting, fun or exciting you can forget it.
9 years agoOne Punch Man is an action comedy anime. If you expect deep meening, you\'re done. If you expect horror or something meaningfull, you\'re watching the wrong anime.\r\n\r\nIf you know wha you\'re about to watch and you are happy with it, OPM is awesome. It has humour, strange characters, a simple story and lots of meaningless action.\r\n\r\nStory: 10/10\r\n\r\nSaitama is strong. And being the strongest is boring. Going through life looking for someone stronger or at least entertaining is a funny concept, specially when no one actually knows how strong you are.\r\n\r\nArt: 10/10\r\n\r\nPretty, tidy and clorfull. Can\'t expect a lot more, but the fight scenes are really\n ...\n well animated and are quite entertaining to watch.\r\n\r\nSound: 9/10\r\n\r\nYou can\'t go wrong with JAM Project. And everything, from voices to BGM is exactly in its\'s place and helps a lot with the show and the almost non existent plot.\r\n\r\nCharacter: 10/10\r\n\r\nYou can\'t not like Saitama, even the secondary and tertiary characters are easy to like. There\'s no really great character development, but that\'s not what you\'re looking for in OPM. Saitama is the strongest. And that\'s how it\'s supposed to be.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment: 10/10\r\n\r\nYou\'re going to discover this will be the fastest 22 minutes of your week. It\'s easy to lose yourself in an episode and you will see it ending, you will hate that damn lock, and you won\'t be able to believe how fast time travel when you\'re entertained.\r\n\r\nOverall: 10/10\r\n\r\nGo and watch it. Don\'t expect anything special. Saitama is average. But the anime isn\'t. It\'s going to be one of the most entertaining action anime you\'ll ever see.
9 years agoI only feel that you can review content after you have completed it, and with this being my first review i did not want make that mistake (especially after that excellent finale) \r\n\r\n(SKIP TO OVERALL IF YOU DONT LIKE LONG READS)\r\nOne Punch Man is a parody so it obviously has a decent focus on comedy and quips to keep some gears running whist you are watching, but don\'t let that put you off as the series has amazing fight sequences with outstanding animation, when the general thought would be 'How can this series have good fights if the main dude is OP'. I will\n ...\n admit, i came to 'ONE PUUUUNCCCHHH' as very stubborn, sceptical individual, as im that type of hipster that attempts not to follow the hype, however i gave this series a chance and it met my expectations and more in all its areas. \r\n\r\nStory(8/10) - A CLASS Satisfied)\r\nCall the plot simple, because it really is SIMPLE; just like the main protagonists face & look, the series SCREAMS SIMPLE. But being simple does not make this series bad because it understands this fact & benifits from it , as the world is very dense but is created from such a simple concept that it makes the series that much more interesting but easy to understand and enjoy. \r\nAlthough from the side plots & comments about sinister/absent characters, i feel that the plot is building to a more intense & serious place for the future ( i have not read the manga) .\r\n\r\nArt(10/10 - 9/10)\r\nIm not here to debate about the pay for artists & animators, as the topic is for a different time, but with this series having a near average budget for a 12 episode run just baffles me. \r\nNot one corner was cut to keep the feel & beauty of this series running consistently, as the attention to detail in scenes makes the world created One come to life, as visually - every character has something to offer in looking aesthetically pleasing for viewers (even Saitama) , so much love was put into it.\r\nTHE FIGHT SCENES ARE JUST EPIC IN ANIMATION!\r\nBut being critical, the worlds strongest mans fight animation was not on par with the others - yet it did kinda have its own lankey charm aha)\r\n\r\nSound(10/10 ONE PUNCCCCHHHHHH)\r\nOkay, if you don\'t like epic music & a tense soundtrack to keep you on the edge of your seat... you wont like this Soundtrack. However i think everyone can appreciate how the music direction suits the series to make the experience whole.\r\nTHANK GOD this series did not use a 'Silly song' to play whenever the characters are up to their comedic antics, as the use of pause and silence in the sound makes the experience even funnier in moments.\r\n\r\nCharacter(10/10 Mumen Rider!!) \r\nThe characters in this series have a lot to offer, as each is unique in the One Punch Man universe to create a dynamic yet interesting world. Now this is not saying that you will not feel some characters are being generic or similar to others created in anime or any other media , but OPM actually plays on this trope.\r\nAlso OPM actually has some emotional & serious scenes with a bunch of its characters, that most viewers (especially myself) can empathise with.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment(10/10 I clapped when the finale ended)\r\nI actually never reviewed an anime online, but i really just enjoyed this series so much that i needed to share my views of it to the internet( so that others could experience what i did)\r\nJust complete the series and give it a chance, and for a long time anime viewer this series is perfect to kickstart faith in new original anime.\r\n\r\nOVERALL( 10/10) \r\nAfter originally being sceptical about One Punch Man, I actually had this series set in my mind as a 8/9 out of 10; But after the finale and such a satisfying run, the series is a complete 10 'Masterpiece' of its own.\r\n\r\nALTHOUGH, do not take a rating of 10 to say that this anime is 'better' or 'cooler' than others( which i may of rated lower), i just believe, in itself this series gives everything and more to expect in its genre; in a smart fashion that leaves me extremely satisfied with 'that'12 episode run being complete product filled with love at every corner.\r\n\r\nThank you for your time & don\'t be a hater - at least appreciate the effort.
9 years ago'I am here to attend the supermarket sale and have fun....and I\'m all out of coupons'\r\n\r\n\r\nTo be honest with you, I\'ve been bored with anime for quite a while now. Sure, I\'ve been watching some anime but it\'s mostly restricted to anime that have already finished or are over 10 years old. \r\nSo, naturally, when I heard about One Punch Man, I brushed it off as more of the same old sh*t that\'s been airing for the past five years. How wrong I was....\r\nNow, after waiting patiently for over 81 days, I have come to put an end to all the ridiculous criticism that\n ...\n One Punch Man has received.\r\nI, Pompous Phoenix, saviour of the universe and protector of mankind, will you use my considerable powers to vanquish all you false pretenders.\r\n\r\n''DADDY!! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? IT\'S SUPERM-well, unfortunately, it\'s just a BIRD but it is a bird who will RISE FROM THE ASHES and promises to OBLITERATE ALL OPPOSITION with his EGOTISTICAL VIEWS and as much GRANDIOSE as he can muster'\r\n\r\n\r\nStory\r\n\r\nWe as a community tend to immediately gang up on the most popular anime at the time, I\'m looking at you SAO. As you can guess, it\'s open season for OPM.\r\nUnlike most animes these days, with their overly ambitious stories and pretentious settings, what we have here is a show that doesn\'t take itself TOO SERIOUSLY or TOO FLIPPANTLY. T̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶e̶s̶n̶\'̶t̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶s̶e̶n̶s̶e̶,̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶i̶p̶s̶h̶ What do I mean by this? Although, it\'s ranked the 11th greatest anime and already has 192,406 members on MAL, it only came into existence as a hobby for upcoming manga artist, ONE. Yes, the anime with an average score of 9.02, was only made because ONE was BORED. You\'d think that this would mean an eventual drop in quality or failure to even kick-start the series, right?\r\n\r\nIn short, no. It is this boredom that leads into ONE\'s creative and innovative ideas. What\'s a genre that suits ONE perfectly and hasn\'t been explored enough? SUPERHEROES. Combine this with comedy, and you have a brand new genre in itself. This show is primarily focused on being a parody of the superhero genre as a whole. This is where the show really thrives with pretty much every superhero cliché you\'ve ever heard of packed neatly into 12 episodes. From the overpowered as f*ck main character to the diabolically evil as f*ck simply because they are ugly as f*ck. One Punch Man takes all these clever jokes and uses them to their full potential and somehow manages to never falter in it\'s quality or it\'s quantity. \r\n\r\nI see a lot of reviews for this anime saying,'You shouldn\'t take this seriously or it\'s only a COMEDY'. While I\'m in inclined to agree with the later and will rephrase in case you weren\'t listening, IT\'S JUST A F*CKING COMEDY YOU NEON GENESIS SADISTS. In the case of 'being serious enough', OPM has this near perfection. Typical comedy based animes will often have a moment where it trades it\'s usual light hearted comedy for a moment of 'seriousness'. OPM only has a few moments of 'seriousness' but because there are so little of them it only makes them more MEMORABLE and IMPACTFUL. They will often deal with topics like morality, media, defining a hero etc.\r\nEat your heart out Clannad, I can have deep meaningful moments and still be pissing myself with laughter 5 minutes later.\r\n\r\nCharacters\r\n\r\nThe main hero of the story is Saitama, who is every lead shonen character\'s wet dream. Saitama is the incarnation of BOREDOM and it is less about how funny he IS but how funny he REACTS.The point of his character is that he has ALREADY 'become the strongest in the world', which is then used as the overrunning gag throughout the show. This is quite a fresh idea that would pique the interest of most people. Although, this idea can only remain funny for so long the same way any joke will become tiring after a while.\r\n\r\nThis is only saved thanks to a certain blond haired cyborg by the name of Genos. While Saitama is the incarnation of BOREDOM, Genos is the incarnation of SERIOUSNESS. He is the Naruto/Luffy/Ichigo of the story, the one who is obsessed with becoming stronger, except as more of a dead serious, humourless sidekick. People like to believe that Saitama being so incredibly overpowered ironically ruins the show but this is not the case. While we can\'t relate to Saitama\'s ridiculous strength, we can relate to Genos constant struggle for power. While we can\'t relate to Genos\' dashing good looks (well, you can\'t), we can relate to Saitama\'s plain and average looks.\r\n\r\n*I have to give high praise to both Furukawa and Ishikawa for their respective performances as Saitama and Genos which was nothing short of AWESOME*\r\n\r\nAs for the supporting characters, it would be best described as if you were visiting your favourite restaurant. With so many different types and variations to select from these characters are all excellently made. We\'ve got Silverfang, who is the equivalent of Dumbledore on steriods, Sonic, who is Saitama\'s never ending rival and is definitely not a hedgehog, Tatsumaki, who is an annoying little sh*t, and a load more of strong and weak, cool and weird, smart and stupid characters that you will encounter throughout the show.\r\n\r\n\r\nAnimation\r\n\r\nDO YOU WANT TO SEE M0THERF*CKING LASERS?! F*CK YEAH!!\r\nDO YOU WANT TO SEE METEOR\'S GETTING M0THERF*CKING 1PUNCHED?! FUCK YEAH!!\r\nDO YOU WANT TO SEE ANIMATION THAT STOLE THE VIRGINITIES OF \r\nMILLIONS OF WEEABOOS ACROSS THE WORLD?! F*CK NO!!\r\nDO YOU WANT TO SEE AMAZING ANIMATION?! F*CK YEAH!!\r\nDO YOU WANT TO SEE FIGHT SCENES THAT MAKE DRAGON BALL Z LOOK LIKE FAIRY TAIL?!! F*CK YEAH!!\r\nDO YOU WANT TO GET FREE COUPONS?!! I THINK!!\r\nDO YOU WANT TO SEE MADHOUSE?!! ummmm....who are they?\r\nF*CKING HUNTER X HUNTER!! F*CK YEAH!!\r\n\r\n*I HUMBLY apologise to anyone who is allergic to capital letters, please feel free to contact me at idontgiveashit@gofuckyourself.com or come visit me at Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Room 502*\r\n\r\n\r\nSound\r\n\r\nWell, i̶f̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶i̶g̶n̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶a̶c̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶o̶r̶g̶a̶s̶m̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶p̶e̶n̶i̶n̶g̶, One Punch Man has a pretty solid soundtrack for the most part.It can be a scene changer ESPECIALLY when it comes to the fight scenes. You add it\'s incredible animation by Madhouse with this soundtrack, and you\'ve got Gold. \r\nEven the sound in this show is INSANE, just take a look at the fight between Saitama and Genos. I\'d highly recommend giving OPM\'s OST a listen to as it\'s well worth your time.\r\n\r\n\r\nOverall\r\n\r\nLet\'s get something clear. I\'m not giving OPM a 10 because it\'s perfect. ALL SHOWS HAVE FAULTS. I\'m giving it a 10 because it reached it\'s full potential but still managed to keep it\'s humour, action, characters in check throughout these incredible 12 episodes. A satisfying conclusion with no silly cliffhangers or overarching plot points.\r\n\r\n* BREAKING NEWS!! We have just received news about the possibility of a second season and I can officially tell you.....how the f*ck am I supposed to know?! It can go either way with MadHouse really, but I nevertheless remain optimistic* I can however, leave with this inspirational quote from the Caped Baldy himself that only the true OPM fans will appreciate.......\r\n\r\n'Ok'
9 years agoThere are only two types of people in the world: one who absolutely love One Punch Man, and other who strongly dislike it for being too predictable. Now finally that the anime is over, I can review it properly. \r\n\r\n\r\nStory: 8/10\r\nOne Punch Man is an action-comedy anime which tells a story about a man named Saitama who is \'a hero just for fun\' in a world where monsters and heroes are quite common. He is quite overpowered and manages to kill anyone in just a single punch, which has made his life quite boring. Soon a new cyborg named Genos is introduced who is in\n ...\n search for another robot who destroyed his village and he later requests Saitama to become his master after seeing his strength.\r\nAt first the story sounds quite predictable and the idea of killing anyone in a single punch adds more to it. Yes, it\'s true! It becomes a little predictable and the humor of killing anyone in a single punch dies off quickly. But the anime doesn\'t has only that much to offer. The story starts developing from 5th episode with the introduction of Hero Association and a ranking system which classifies heroes into C class, B class, A class and S class having rankings in each class. New characters are introduced and the story becomes more interesting. The last two arcs were very good, so just don\'t drop the anime in your early episodes thinking that it\'s getting predictable or is not worth watching.\r\n\r\n\r\nArt: 10/10\r\nThis is the best element of One Punch Man! The art of this anime is fabulous. Madhouse has again done a wonderful job. The backgrounds are really well done and the fighting scenes are amazing. Infact One Punch Man and Fate/Zero are the best graphics anime I have seen in my life! One Punch Man is actually a pretty average budget anime. The secret behind One Punch Man\'s amazing graphics lies behind the fact that it has been directed by Shingo Natsume (Key animator of Gurren Lagann, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Hachimitsu to Clover), assisting Kazuya Murata and with the legendary Kenichi Konishi supervising the animation, Sejoon Kim (animator of Gundam) as a regular animation director. Another notable element of One-Punch Man\'s visuals is the digital animation, something also tied to Natsume\'s presence. Other than the animation staff, there is someone else who deserves special credit. People who have read Yusuke Murata\'s version of One-Punch Man – the one the anime is based on – know that even before the anime, the series already was animated. Sort of. Sometimes rather arbitrarily, Murata would go on to draw sequences step-by-step with a ridiculous level of detail, almost as if they were key animation sheets. Something he is capable of putting off because he\'s an exceptional and dedicated artist, but also because he is a fan of animation.\r\n\r\n\r\nSound: 10/10\r\nAnother element of One Punch Man which makes the show amazing! Opening and Ending song, both are wonderful. I keep listening to both of them over and over again because they are that awesome. All the OSTs are also worth listening to, and some are just superb which may give you goosebumps! Voice acting is also top notch. Many talented voice actors like Miyano Mamoru, Sawashiro Miyuki, Kaji Yuki, Sakurai Takahiro, Nakamura Yuuichi, Hayami Saori, Namikawa Daisuke etc are there and they have done a great job.\r\n\r\n\r\nCharacter: 10/10\r\nAll the characters are quite likeable. They have unique personalities and possess a unique charm in themselves. \r\n\r\n\r\nI will write a few words on my (and people\'s) most favorite characters from One Punch Man:\r\n\r\n1. Saitama - Our favorite hero, the protagonist of the show, quite humorous.\r\n\r\n2. Genos - Saitama\'s partner, best disciple, cyborg and cool. \r\n\r\n3. Mumen Rider - C class hardworking hero who rides a cycle but is physically pretty weak to fight with monsters but is very courageous and hardworking/\r\n\r\n4. Sonic - A ninja! What more? Everybody likes ninjas (Naruto haters please keep it low! -_-)\r\n\r\n5. Tatsumaki? - You know what I am talking about if you have seen 11th episode of One Punch Man! ;) [If you still don\'t understand, let me know -_-\']\r\n\r\n\r\nEnjoyment: 10/10\r\nI really enjoyed One Punch Man because of it\'s intense action which were beautified by amazing graphics and coated with amazing soundtracks.\r\n\r\n\r\nOverall: 9.6/10\r\nIf you like action-comedy (with frequent serious arcs), adventure and superpower anime, and elements like graphics and sound are an important factor for you then you MUST WATCH this anime! Even if you don\'t like all that, you can give it a try. I assure you that One Punch Man is NOT some random cliche anime which has random power boosts which makes it impossible to watch. It is quite entertaining.\r\n\r\n\r\nP.S-Comments appreciated :)
9 years agoThis is a complete review after watching all 12 episodes of One Punch Man.\r\n\r\n**CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS**\r\n\r\nI remember when I was 8 years old, I used to be excited for a new Pokemon episode everyday. I used to run from school to my house so that I wouldn’t miss any single moment. Then as you grow up, such excitement starts to fade away. No matter how good a show is, only a few shows can generate such an excitement for a viewer. I never would’ve imagined that an anime would make me feel that excitement again at 20 yrs. And lucky for me, it aired on\n ...\n Sundays!\r\n\r\nStory: 7/10\r\n\r\nOne Punch Man’s story is simple- The story of an average guy who’s a hero for fun. Now what makes this unique is that this show is a parody. For people new to that genre, it’s an imitation of other work. Basically what this anime does is it makes a parody out of shounen genre, where you have a male protagonist who gets beaten down, and then trains or in some other way defeats the bad guy. Here, the MC is just over-powered to the extent that he gets depressed there’s no one strong enough to challenge him. You might think that such a strong person would be revered as a God by the people. Sadly, you’re mistaken. The people don’t even know he exists!! . This really plays a major point in the later episodes, when Saitama has to show his strength infront of the public, and becomes one of the highlight of this series. This show was created to poke fun at all tropes in anime. This is a story made to enjoy, not to be taken seriously. Anyone who is open-minded will enjoy this anime to its full extent.\r\n\r\nArt: 9/10\r\n\r\nNow the only reason I gave this a 9 is because of the meticulously high standard set by Ufotable in the Fate series and Kara no Kyoukai movies. But by no means is it far behind. In most anime, usually the MC has some kind of weapon, you can just add some flashy effects to go with it. But here, we have a hero who’s weapon are just his fists . The fights had to be carefully drawn and animated. And when you have a studio like Madhouse doing it, you know they rarely disappoint. Fluid motion, spectacular effects, no weird faces, nothing overdramatic. Simple, yet awesome. The best part of this anime has to be the “Saitama Expressions”. If you didn’t smile atleast a little when you saw the “OK” face, then I guess your sense of humour is locked up somewhere. Madhouse know how to make the viewer enjoy the anime to the full extent. The way they used Tatsumaki’s “chibi mode” expressions from the webcomic, and boldly animated it in the anime deserves separate praise. Also the landscape for OPM universe is also brilliant. Even the ordinary people are drawn with careful details. Another important aspect here is the design for the villains, especially Sea King and Boros, each having something unique, and they give out the “strong, badass” vibe when you just look at them. Also, the art in the final episode is 11/10.\r\n\r\nSound: 10/10\r\n\r\nGod-level. Simply eargasmic. When you have an opening theme that makes you want to shout “ONE PUUUUUUUNCH!” every time you hear it, you know the soundtrack’s gonna be amazing. For me, the first thing I’d hear in my mind every morning when I wake up is someone shouting “ONE PUUUUUUNCH!” That’s how much I love that opening theme. From character bgm’s to fight themes, the music suits every situation perfectly, making them more epic. I would rewatch every episode again just to hear the music, that’s how good it is. The voice acting is also brilliant, especially Aoi Yuuki, who brilliantly brought out Tatsumaki’s bratty voice, and Yuki Kaji, whose voice fits Sonic’s character perfectly.\r\n\r\nCharacter: 10/10\r\n\r\nOnce in a lifetime you watch shows where every character in it makes an impact. One Punch Man is mine. I can probably name every single character that appeared in these 12 episodes. That’s how much of an impact they make. Saitama with his care-free attitude, the loyal cyborg Genos, Jack’o Lantern Panic, Brattymaki, Justice Rider, the S-class heroes like Silver Fang, Metal Bat, Pri-Pri Prisoner, King, and all the others have a uniqueness that makes you remember them. Even characters whom play a cameo like Carnage Kabuto, Mosquito Girl, Snek, Stinger, Amai Mask manage to leave an impression, which is something most anime fail to do. And when you have such a strong character cast, the anime rarely falters.\r\n\r\nEnjoyment: 10/10\r\n\r\nThis anime was made to enjoy, and One Punch Man nails the formula. I enjoyed every second of it. 24x12 minutes of pure awesomeness. It makes you laugh, the “wow” feeling when you watch those spectacularly animated fight scenes, even the simple dialogues between the characters make you laugh hard. There is no walking in on naked girl scenes, boob-grabbing, fan service and other shit like that. This anime makes me remember that Charlie Chaplin didn’t have to talk to make people laugh and enjoy his movies. Just his reactions and expressions were enough. And Saitama’s expressions and reactions reminded me of that again. And no matter how many times you rewatch it, you’ll never get bored. That’s the kind of masterpiece this is.\r\n\r\nOverall rating: 10/10\r\n\r\nOne Punch Man is a masterpiece. I’ve been watching anime for about 8 years, watched around 400 anime series, and I’d only have around 5 anime which I’d give a 10/10. But this show is just simply that good. If I could I’d have given this a 999/10 for enjoyment. Studio Madhouse is just leagues ahead of any anime studio. I wish I could go to Japan and personally congratulate them for making such a great anime. While I’m at that, I could also beg them to make a Season 2 of the anime when the manga has enough material for it. Natsume Shingo, the director of this anime, deserves all the credit for bringing together an amazing team, and voice cast to create this anime. Overall, One Punch Man does what it sets out to deliver, Entertain. And boy oh boy it does so in style!!
9 years agoOne-Punch Man is pretty much exactly like what it sounds. We got a bald guy named Saitama who literally beats his opponents with a single punch. He is so powerful that throughout his life, he gets bored with the opponent he fights with. Because when a guy like him can beat up opponents with just one punch, it doesn’t get very fun right? Regardless, Saitama has a heart of gold and in this series, we follow his daily adventures as a hero, as the man who one punches his enemies.\r\n\r\nIn general, the series is actually a TV anime adaptation of the remake of the web\n ...\n manga by ONE. As such, the art is based on Yusuke Murata’s work rather than the original series. The original web series became an internet sensation as it began publishing in June 2009. Given the nature of the series as well the fast growing popularity, there’s a lot of expectations coming from fans about the adaptation. Honestly, I can say that it’s also a sensation. \r\n\r\nDirected by Shingo Natsume, he became more well-known recently with his involvement with directing Space Dandy. For One-Punch Man, the series would have to go all out and tear the house down with what it has to offer. The first episode easily establishes the show as an animation powerhouse with the high production quality by Madhouse. The fighting movements, rapid camera angles, and overall cinematics is stellar throughout many of its action sequences. In addition, Saitama’s role easily makes him entertaining to watch because of just simply how badass he is despite being drawn in such a simple way. With a bald head, average height, muscular toned body, and heroish cape, he is the guy that everyone needs to keep an eye on. What mostly makes Saitama stands out is his way of fighting. Yes, most of his fights are rather quick fashioned because of how overpowered he is. I think at some point, Saitama can be dubbed as ‘One-OP Man’ just because of how ridiculous he is with the way his fights concludes. His hero name is ‘Caped Baldy’ and it’s pretty self-explanatory why.\r\n\r\nI’d like to picture One-Punch Man as more of a parody, a satire of superheroes and battle shounen. While the story of One-Punch Man isn’t a masterpiece, it’s still appealing because of Saitama’s daily adventures. These adventures takes him to new places, conflicts with new enemies, and also establishing alliances with new friends. One of his most prominent friends is Genos, a cyborg dubbed as the “Demon Cyborg”. He is Saitama’s disciple and often tries to earn his respect. Their growing relationship seems peculiar at first but also very amusing to watch as they have a fun chemistry. The majority of the other characters of the series are part of a group known as the Hero Association, an organization apparently formed with the purpose to fight monsters and protect City Z. What’s unique about the Hero Association is that the group is composed of all type of heroes ranging from a child prodigy, psycho esper, prideful samurai, or even genius scientists. Throughout Saitama’s daily adventures, he also encounters a variety of adversaries and villains. Whether it’s speedy ninjas or oversized sea monsters, Saitama always seems to find a way to defeat them. This might be the part that strains some people from watching. A common question that may pop up is “what’s the point then if Saitama can just one hit KO all his opponents?” or “What’s the fun in that?”\r\n\r\nI think the main objective of the show is to portray the action as a parody. It’s like the show is self-aware especially with Saitama’s antics. This extends to his iconic fight with Genos, the invasion of Boros’ forces, or his training test to become a hero. Although the comedy can feel exaggerated, it’s also very engaging with all sort of gags the show tries to pull. Every episode also introduces a diverse range of heroes or monsters so there’s plenty to offer for those looking into variety. Certain underrated characters such as License-less Rider also gets their spotlight of fame so the show isn’t just entirely about Saitama. As the comedy can occasionally feel overwhelming, it’s still delightful with the character expressions (mostly coming from Saitama) and excitement it brings. Even the dialogues can offer a sharp appeal that will give the fans to remember something about.\r\n\r\nEven with all the comedy, there’s still some set of standards the show follows. The rankings of the Hero Association such as “S-Rank” or “B-Rank” have meanings behind them that associates with their reputation. Unfortunately, Saitama is assigned a lesser rank than most may expect mostly because of his appearance. Only a few recognizes his true abilities although he himself doesn’t seem to care that much either. What he does care though is being a hero and that’s something to really be recognized. While most of his fights ends in just one punch, the way Saitama performs it is bizarrely amusing. One minute, he is starring into something that appears to be overwhelmingly above his abilities. The next minute that something turns into being punched to oblivion. Saitama’s speed and endurance is also extremely impressive as he has taken superhuman level attacks at point-blank range. Again, some people will notice that his fights tends to be “anti-climatic”. However, look at the bigger picture here. The way Saitama gives his opponents the hope that they will win effortlessly, the dull expressions he shows in the face of danger, and his inability to remember the names of his opponents are also portrayed more as a parody for comical purposes. It then translates to their defeat which is all that much more devastating. That’s almost like an artistic way of fighting. On the other hand, Saitama’s characterization in this adaptation isn’t very promising. There’s not much revealed about his past so you’ll have to search around the OVA to learn more about his background story. And also, while the adaptation captures the magic of the manga (by even adding some workable filler content), it does omit some aspects which fans may be disappointed about.\r\n\r\nI’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. Madhouse has proven themselves of animating this to the highest caliber. The action sequences, background scenery, facial expressions, and overall tone of the show is delivered with exquisite art. It also has an experimental feel to it with the way the characters are designed with a wide spectrum of different looks. What’s most interesting is how Saitama is designed with such simple features especially during comedic scenes. Whether human or monster, One-Punch Man stands as a solid testament for an adaptation by animation standards.\r\n\r\nThe soundtrack is just as powerful especially with some of the character themes that matches with fighting sequences. The OP song also approaches itself with a stereo beat and heroic-like theme of heavy lyrics. On the other hand, Saitama’s voice is pretty normal despite his overwhelming power. However, some other characters voiced in the show is noticeable such as Genos, Tatsumaki, Boros, and a few others of the villain variety. Be prepared for a hyperactive ride.\r\n\r\nOne-Punch Man may seem a bit overrated as it exploded into popularity. From an internet sensation to a TV smash hit, the series continue to grow. A second season is also likely in the inevitable future as well as mentioned by the producers. And the reason being is the sheer success it has achieved. It might not have Shakespearean level storytelling but it’s definitely something fun to take home with every episode. The battle shounen genre has been around for ages and it’s nice to see how One-Punch Man makes fun of it as a satirical battle blockbuster.